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The plan also considers public health measures. Masks are required in all indoor TFUUJOHTGPSTUBGG TUVEFOUT FYDMVEJOH,JO - EFSHBSUFO BOEFTTFOUJBMWJTJUPST7JTJUPST BSFSFRVJSFEUPTFMGTDSFFOBOEDPOàSNXJUI school staff before entering, and are also subject to prove of vaccination. Rigorous cleaning regiments are in place for all scho- ols. Large gatherings such as assemblies BSFOPUBMMPXFEBU UIJT UJNF CVUTDIPPM DMVCTBOEàFMEUSJQTXJMMSFTVNFBGUFSBCSJFG acclimation period. i%BJMZTFMGTDSFFOJOH JTTUJMM JOQMBDF u TUBUFEE/PSUPOi0OFPGUIFMBUFTUDIBOHFT JTUIBUNBOEBUPSZDPOàSNBUJPOPGTFMGTDSFF - ning for all staff and students must be done GPSUIFàSTUUXPXFFLTPGTDIPPMu 5IF$%4#&04DIPPM3F&OUSZ1MBO JT BWBJMBCMFPOUIFCPBSEXFCTJUFBU https:// XXXDETCFPPODBTUVEFOUTQBSFOUT novel-coronavirus/cdsbeo-re-entry-plan/

The English Catholic school board has posted the re-entry plan on its website. At an August 30 board meeting, the Catholic District School Board of Eastern 0OUBSJP $%4#&0 EJTDVTTFE UIF4DIPPM Re-Entry Plan for the 2021-2022 school year. It’s been updated to include the latest guidance from the Ministry of Education, and UISFF1FSTPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU 1% EBZTXFSF scheduled in September to provide staff XJUIUSBJOJOHBOETVQQPSU5IFQMBOXJMMCF VQEBUFEUISPVHIPVUUIFTDIPPMZFBSBTOFX developments and health measures occur. “The preparation of staff to ensure safety, re-engagement and mental health support GPSBMMTUVEFOUTJTBQSJPSJUZGPSUIF$%4#&0u TBJE"TTPDJBUF%JSFDUPS#POOJF/PSUPOi5IF alignment of appropriate training around this plan through professional development days UBLJOHQMBDFPO4FQUFNCFS  BOE XJMM ensure a smooth and successful transition CBDLUPTDIPPMGPSBMMMFBSOFSTu 5IFQMBOBTTVNFTNPTUTUVEFOUTXJMM attend in-person classes, but the board BDLOPXMFEHFT UIBUDFSUBJOTJUVBUJPOTNBZ require alternative arrangements. Virtual MFBSOJOHXJMMCFQSPWJEFEGPSUIFàSTUIBMGPG UIFTDIPPMZFBSBUMFBTU BOEOFXEFWFMPQ - NFOUTXJMMCFDPOTJEFSFEXIFOQMBOOJOHGPS &/#3&'r#3*&'4 CDSBEO STUDENT TRUSTEES The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario has installed Julia Vo, a grade 12 student at Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School, as the Catholic Student Trustee. Vo served as Associate Student Trustee for the 2020-2021 term. Associate Trustee will be Ella Scott, a grade 11 student at St. Mary Catholic High School. – Christopher Smith PETER LOAN DINING & CATERING Dumardi au jeudi de 11 h à 2 h Vendredi de 11 h à 8 h Le Dimanche de 8 h à midi Le bar du foyer Colombien Ouvert du lundi au samedi de 11 h à 2 h Vérifiez nos plats du jour LE CHEF PETER N’UTILISE QUE DES INGRÉDIENTS FRAIS. SES VIANDES SONT PRÉPARÉES SUR PLACE. Menu à la carte Entrées et soupes Nos plats principaux sont servis avec choix de pommes de terre ou riz et légumes. METS SERVI EN SALLE, POUR EMPORTER OU PAR LIVRAISON

The CDSBEO’s re-entry plan prioritizes safety — Pexels stock photo

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