Pittman: Neck Pain & Stress

On June 23, a free screening day will be held for prospective dry needling patients. Individuals will go through a screening process to see if this treatment will work for them. It’s important to note that the needles used in the process are very thin. Many times the patient won’t even feel the needle as it penetrates the skin. This method is not acupuncture but is based on Western neuroanatomy and scientific research. This free screening will take place all day. There are only 20 spots available so remember to schedule today! DRY NEEDLING WILL WORK FOR YOU


“I canmove freely!” “After recovering from a stress fracture in my lower back, I began to feel restriction in my back muscles which caused me to be unable to complete my physical tasks without pain. As a result, my pitching began to decline. Seeing Jeremy and performing his rehab program, which included dry needling, enabled me to return to my normal mobility and even see vast improvement in my overall performance. Being able to move freely and without pain allowed me to flourish at the Perfect Game USA Tournament.” Jack D.

Healthy Eating

Basic Vegetable Smoothie Recipe Directions Eating Right Never Tasted So Good!

8 Ingredients • 6 oz water • 1 large tomato • ½ cucumber • 2 pieces celery • 2 carrots • handful of baby spinach

Wash the vegetables, throw them in the pitcher (after washing), turn blender on low, and then turn it up to high for about 30 seconds. You may need to use the tamper to get it circulating at the beginning. Other possibilities to add include olive oil, Tabasco, or herbs like basil. If you want it to look more like V8 you could leave out the spinach and add another tomato.

• lemon juice from 1 lemon (or balsamic vinegar) • 6 ice cubes

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