Repair Pricing
Do you own a clock but it needs one or two new components to get it working? Our Repair Technicians have experience repairing every major brand of clock made as early as the 1920s. If it can be fixed, they'll get it done. Their work is backed with a one- or two-year warranty.
Costs are estimates only. Actual may vary. Evaluation for original equipment manufacturer (OEM), $30.
Repair with mechanical movement
Replace with AllSync ® Plus movement
MECHANICAL CLOCKS 3-wire synchronous clocks: Simplex ® , Cincinnati, Edwards, Honeywell, Faraday, Standard, Lathem, Dukane 3-wire synchronous clocks: National Time (including Dukane & Rauland by National Time) 1Yr Standard CR and GRC dual motor clocks and American Time X Series DM clocks 2- & 3-wire 24vdc minute impulse clocks: American Time, Simplex, Cincinnati & Lathem 1Yr
$110.00 $110.00 $130.00
$240.00 2Yr
SYSTEM CLOCKS SiteSync IQ ® wireless analog clocks SiteSync IQ wireless digital clocks
2Yr 2Yr 2Yr 2Yr 2Yr
$120.00 Evaluation Evaluation $110.00 Evaluation
SiteSync IQ master and Remote Transmitter
AllSync Plus analog clocks
AllSync IQ ® master
Repair Guidelines In order to guarantee prompt service, please call Customer Service at 800-328-8996 for a Return Material Authorization number (RMA #). You must get the RMA # prior to sending your clocks to American Time. The package containing your repair must show on the outside: the RMA #, your company name and address, a contact name, telephone number, and email address. Packages with an RMA # clearly shown will be prioritized ahead of those without.
NETWORK CLOCKS Wi-Fi analog clocks
2Yr 2Yr 2Yr 2Yr
Wi-Fi digital clocks
American Series Power over Ethernet (PoE) analog clocks American Series Power over Ethernet (PoE) digital clocks
STAND ALONE CLOCKS AllSet quartz and electric clocks
1Yr 1Yr 1Yr 1Yr
$50.00 $70.00 $50.00
R&H electric clocks and American Time M100 electric clocks
American Time quartz clocks Radio-Controlled (atomic) clocks
$50.00 For glass crystal: add $10.00 for each 15" diameter clock and $30.00 for each 18" to 24" clock. For Plexiglass crystal: add $20.00 for each 10" and 12" diameter clocks, $25.00 for 15" diameter clocks and $30.00 for 18" diameter clocks.
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