Wesley College Chooses Wi-Fi Clocks Enrollment: 3,100 students and over 1,300 staff
Wesley College is an independent co-educational ECLC to Year 12 school in Melbourne, Australia. Established in 1866, the College is one of the largest K-12 schools in Australia with three metropolitan campuses. Challenge: To keep its large student and staff population on time and moving efficiently throughout its buildings, Wesley College sought a synchronized time solution for its classrooms. However, the school had difficulty finding networked analog clocks specifically, as most clock providers only offered digital clocks. Solution: Wesley College worked with ControlAir, a consultant and integrator for building control systems, to find a reliable time technology solution to fit its needs. The company was impressed by American Time’s catalog of analog solutions, as well as the free option to add a school’s logo to the clock face. Within a few weeks after the initial outreach, ControlAir had partnered with a local distributor, Synchronised Time Australia, and received a sample analog clock to review. It had everything Wesley College wanted:
“It saves an immense amount of time across all campuses because they can avoid changing every clock manually.”
• A simple, elegant and timeless design • A helpful and easy-to-understand manual to help troubleshoot any issues • An intuitive online portal for accessing all of the clocks’ settings
What Information Is Used to Pre-Configure Wi-Fi Clocks? When you order pre-configured Wi-Fi clocks, we use two SNTP server Static IP addresses for redundancy or an SNTP server domain name. Primary SNTP IP: ##-###-###-### Secondary SNTP IP: ##-###-###-### (or) Server Domain Name: pool.ntp.org Contact your IT Administrator for this information. We recommend local time servers for best results. Additional information required: • Time Zone • DST option • SSID Name • Password • Security Type See american-time.com/my-account and register or login for details.
Wesley College initially ordered 70 Wi-Fi Network clocks and chose to include its logo on the clocks at no extra charge. Wi-Fi network clocks provide a complete, synchronized time solution for any building or campus. Each clock can be pre- configured to automatically join the existing Wi-Fi network once powered. There is minimal capital investment, as Wi-Fi clocks don’t require a master controller, wires, license fees or cables. A wireless router will keep all of the clocks on the same, precise time and automatically update for daylight saving time (DST) where applicable. Results: Due to the successful implementation and performance of the initial clock order, Wesley College now has over 200 American Time Wi-Fi Network clocks throughout its campuses. The hands-off nature of the clocks allows Wesley staff to refocus their time and increase productivity. “The automatic change to DST was a key feature for Wesley College,” explained Nick Hill, managing director and national sales manager at Synchronised Time Australia.
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