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SUNSHINE LIST PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIES RELEASED -JTU GSPN&BTU)BXLFTCVSZ5PXOTIJQ-VD Lalonde, chief administrator for the township, received a salary of $115,404.91. Alfred-Plantagenet Township The 2021 Sunshine List has three entries from Alfred-Plantagenet Township.
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
The provincial government has released its annual Sunshine List of salaries for everyone works in the public sector. The Sunshine List has been annual event since 1996. It lists all employees in the public sector with annual salaries of $100,000 or more during the past year. That includes civil service workers for the province and for municipal governments, along with school district employees, hospital workers, and all those employed with non-government agencies in the public sector. The 2021 Sunshine List for Prescott- Russell has 133 names of employees from among the eight municipalities and the United Counties of Prescott-Russell UCPR with salaries of $100,000 or more. That is eight fewer than 2020 Sunshine List of 141 names from the eight municipalities in Prescott-Russell and also the UCPR. Last year Casselman was the sole muni- cipality not listed for entries on the 2020 Sunshine List. This year all eight municipa- lities and the UCPR have entries. Hawkesbury There are seven names on the Sunshine List for Hawkesbury for 2021, compared to 10 on the 2020 list. On the 2021 Sunshine List are: Patrick Mayer, firefighter, at $151,722.84; Dominique Dussault, chief administrator, $146,379.53; Julien Boisvenue, firefighter, $134,142.75; Philippe Timbers, municipal treasurer, $121,046.53; Martin Perron, environmental service superintendent, $115,600.06; Sébastien Greffe, firefighter, +POBUIBO8JMTPO EJSFDUPSPG public works and engineering, $101,773.51. Champlain Township The Township of Champlain has three names on the 2021 Sunshine List. First is Paula Knudsen, chief administra- UPS BU /FYUJT+BDRVFT(BVUIJFS chief building officer, at $109,635. Last is Kevin Tessier, treasurer, at $104,087.16. East Hawkesbury There is just one name on the Sunshine
First is Hébert Roch, public works supe- SJOUFOEFOU BU /FYUJT.JDIBFM J. Potvin, chief administrator, at $113,883. Last is Jonathan Gendron, municipal engi- neer, at $108,424. Clarence-Rockland There are 22 names on the 2021 Sunshine List from the City of Clarence- Rockland, two more than on the 2020 list. The top five are: Helen Collier, chief admi- nistrator, at $169,054.64; Julian Lenhart, director of infrastructure and planning, at $162,357.66; Pierre Voisine, director of pro- tective services and fire chief, $154,296.02; Michel Cousineau, chief information officer, at $151,670.29; Frédéric Desnoyers, city treasurer, at $143,154. Russell Township The 2021 Sunshine List has 11 entries from Russell Township, compared to 14 from the previous year’s list. The top five are: Jean Leduc, chief administrator, at $163,669.83; Jonathan #PVSHPO JOGSBTUSVDUVSF TFSWJDFT FYFDV - tive director, at $135,986.15; Dominique Tremblay, director of planning, building, and economic development, at $130,889.48; Céline Guitard, parks and recreation director, at $128,092.66; Richard Godin, finance director/treasurer, at $127,097.34. The Nation Municipality There are eight entries from The Munici- pality on the 2021 Sunshine List, one more compared to the 2020 list. The top five are: Josée Brizard, chief administrator and clerk, at $148,915.27; Guylain Laflèche, planning and economic development director, at $132,773.90; Marc Legault, public works director, $132,741.58; Cécile Maisonneuve, human resources direc- tor and municipal treasurer, $132,700.27; Tobias Hovey (no longer with the munici- pality), fire chief and health safety officer, $124,177.92.
La liste des employés du secteur public de l’Ontario dont le salaire annuel est de 100 000 $ ou plus figure maintenant sur le site Web du gouvernement provincial. La région de Prescott-Russell compte 133 entrées sur la liste dans la catégorie des administrations municipales. —photo d’archives
Casselman Casselman has one entry on the 2021 Sunshine List and that is Linda Desjardins- Bergeron, chief administrator (no longer with the municipality), at $135,771.88. United Counties of Prescott-Russell Prescott-Russell’s regional government has 77 entries on the 2021 Sunshine List, three more than on the 2020 list. By comparison the United Counties of Stormont- %VOEBT(MFOHBSSZIBWFTJYOBNFTPOUIFMJTU
The top five include: Stéphane Parisien, chief administrator, at $216,865.53; Carol Lavigne, economic development and tourism director, at $159,188.13; Pierre Gauthier, human resources director, at $156,897.82; Judith Richer, residential care coordinator, at $153,655.87; Louis Prévost, planning and forestry director, at $149,797.01. The complete Sunshine List information for 2021 is at the webpage at https://www.onta- rio.ca/page/public-sector-salary-disclosure.
L’INFLATION FRAPPE LE BUDGET DE LA NATION EFTEFVYEFSOJFSTNPJTFOSBJTPOEFMFGGFU de la guerre russo-ukrainienne sur les SÊTFSWFTEFQÊUSPMFFYJTUBOUFT5PVUDFMBB ajouté plus de 1,8 million de dollars à la liste initiale des dépenses du budget 2022. Cela TJHOJàFRVBVMJFVEVOUBVYEJNQPTJUJPOEF 2,13 % pour atteindre l’équilibre budgétaire, MFDPOTFJMFOWJTBHFVOUBVYEJNQPTJUJPOEF 4,43 % pour éviter un budget déficitaire. -FTSÍHMFNFOUTQSPWJODJBVYOFQFSNFUUFOU QBTBVYNVOJDJQBMJUÊTEBWPJSEFTCVEHFUT déficitaires.
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
L’inflation a mis à mal le plan budgétaire 2022 de la municipalité de La Nation. -B USÊTPSJÍSF/BEJB,OFCFMBQSÊTFOUÊ au conseil un rapport actualisé sur l’impact de l’inflation sur le coût de l’asphalte et EBVUSFTNBUÊSJBVYEFDPOTUSVDUJPOQPVS DFSUBJOTQSPKFUTEFUSBWBVYQVCMJDTQSPQPTÊT cette année. Le coût de certaines fourni- tures de base, comme l’essence et le diesel QPVSMFTWÊIJDVMFTNVOJDJQBVY BÊHBMFNFOU affecté certains des calculs de dépenses du budget initial. -F UBVYEJOáBUJPOQPVSBHSJNQÊ en flèche pour atteindre 3,4 % vers la fin de l’année au lieu de rester à la moyenne EFEFVYQPVSDFOURVF MFTNVOJDJQBMJUÊT ont utilisée pour la planification de leurs prévisions budgétaires. Au cours des trois EFSOJFSTNPJTEF MFUBVYEJOáBUJPO est passé à 4,5 % et en janvier 2022, il a atteint 5,1 %. -FQSJYEFMFTTFODFFUEBVUSFTQSPEVJUT pétroliers a également augmenté au cours
.NF,OFCFMBQSÊTFOUÊBVDPOTFJMEFVY options pour résoudre le problème. L’option 1 consiste à approuver l’augmentation du UBVYEJNQPTJUJPO UBOEJTRVF MPQUJPO prévoit la révision du calendrier des projets EFUSBWBVYQVCMJDTBàOEFSFQPSUFSMFTQMBOT EFTUSBWBVYEFUSPUUPJSTTVSMBSVF.BDIBCFF Æ4U"MCFSUFUEFSFUBSEFSMFTUSBWBVYTVSMF chemin Latour. Cela laisserait à la munici- QBMJUÊVOOPVWFBVUBVYEJNQPTJUJPOEF % pour créer un budget équilibré. Le conseil a approuvé l’option 2 pour réviser le budget de 2022.
Inflation has pushed up the cost of some budget expenses for this year in The Nation Municipality. Council approved a revision to the budget plan that will mean a tax rate of 2.83 per cent to achieve a balanced budget. —file photo
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