


i8FBSFKVTUFOEJOHUIFMFBTFBSSBOHFNFOUu The lease arrangement that the UCPR has had for many years with VIA Rail made the UCPR responsible for maintaining the 72-kilometre-long hiking and biking trail, in exchange for some financial support from the rail company. VIA Rail had proposed a two-year extension of the current lease with an offer of $40,000 each year towards maintenance costs. UCPR council’s decision not to continue with the lease arrangement followed a review from its public works department on the cost for existing maintenance and future upgrades to the trail to deal with public safety concerns. The potential cost would be $6 million spread over a 10-year period. “I’m always open if VIA Rail comes back with a counter-offer,” said Leroux, indicating that such a counteroffer would require VIA Rail increase its offer of financial support. Trail history Leroux noted that the Prescott-Russell Trail existed before the UCPR became res- ponsible for its maintenance through the leasing deal with VIA Rail. “I’ve talked to a few people,” he said, “and they say they’ve walked the trail long before the counties got involved.” If there is no counter-offer from VIA Rail for the UCPR to consider then the current lease arrangement lapses 90 days after the refusal-to-renew notice was sent to the railway company. But, Leroux noted, that does not mean that people would no longer be able to use the trail route.

Leroux also noted that user groups like UIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP4OPXNPCJMF$MVCDPVME

contact VIA Rail themselves and arrange for their own lease arrangements for the trail.

An online petition has almost 5000 signatures asking the United Counties of Prescott-Russell council to reconsider its decision regarding the Prescott- Russell Recreational Trail. Geneviève Duval launched a petition through seeking support for a plea to the United Counties of Prescott- Russell council (UCPR) to change its decision about ending the lease arrangement with VIA Rail for use of the former railway route that serves as the Prescott-Russell Recreational Trail. i8JUIUIJTQFUJUJPOXFIBWFUIFDIBODFUP show that we, as citizens of Prescott-Rus- sell, want to keep our trail,” states Duval’s petition. Duval launched the online petition soon after UCPR council’s September 23 session when it decided against renewing the lease agreement with VIA Rail. The signature goal for the petition is 5000 and as of Thanksgi- ving Monday, there were almost 4900 names on the petition. Misinformation 8IFUIFSUIFQFUJUJPOXJMMDPOWJODF6$13 council to review its September 23 decision is unknown at present. But Mayor Pierre Leroux, current UCPR warden, said during an October 9 phone interview that “there is a lot of misinformation” about the Prescott- Russell Trail issue. i8FSFOPUDMPTJOHUIFUSBJM u-FSPVYTBJE

Une pétition a été lancée en ligne afin de demander au conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell de reconsidérer sa décision de ne pas renouveler son entente avec VIA Rail concernant le sentier Prescott-Russell. La pétition, disponible sur www.change. org, comptait près de 5000 signatures au 12 octobre. —archives


NOTICE OF AN OPEN HOUSE AND A STATUTORY PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE URBAN AREA OF THE CITY OF CLARENCE-ROCKLAND The City of Clarence-Rockland is currently undertaking its five-year review of the Urban Area Official Plan under Section 26 of the Planning Act , R.S.O 1990, as amended. This amendment applies to the entirety of the Urban area of Rockland, as such no key map was provided. The proposed amendments will update and refine the goals, objectives, policies and schedules of the existing Plan to ensure conformity with upper-tier policies, have regard tomatters of Provincial Interest and provide consistency with Provincial Policy Statements, all in accordance with the Planning Act, L.R.O. 1990, c. P. 13 as well as to set a course for the development of the City’s Urban Area over the next 20 years. The proposed Official Plan Amendment applies to the entire Urban Area of the City of Clarence-Rockland. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland will hold a virtual open house on ZOOM on the 28th day of October 2020, at 7:00 p.m to consider a proposed amendment to the Official Plan of the Urban Area of the City of Clarence-Rockland By-law No. 2013-147. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Clarence-Rockland will hold a virtual public meeting on ZOOM on the 18th day of November 2020, at 7:00 p.m to consider a proposed amendment to the Official Plan of the Urban Area of the City of Clarence-Rockland By-law No. 2013-147. A COPY of the proposed official plan amendment, additional information and material as well as information in regards to the ZOOM meeting is available on the City’s website. The information for the open house is available at the following link: https://www.clarence- and the information for the public meeting is available at the following link: en/planning-committee. You can also communicate with Mrs. Marie-Eve Bélanger by phone or email below. If you just wish to follow along, the meeting will be live-streamed on the City's Facebook page For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact Mrs. Marie-Eve Bélanger at or at 613-446-6022, ext: 2250.

AVIS D’UNE SÉANCE PORTE OUVERTE ET D’UNE RÉUNION PUBLIQUE STATUTAIRE CONCERNANT UNE PROPOSITION DE MODIFICATION AU PLAN OFFICIEL DE L’AIRE URBAINE DE LA CITÉ DE CLARENCE ROCKLAND La Cité de Clarence-Rockland entreprend actuellement sa révision quinquennale du Plan officiel de l’aire urbaine, conformément à l’article 26 de la Loi sur l'aménagement du territoire , L.R.O. 1990, dans sa forme modifiée. La révision quinquennale du Plan officiel a pour but de mettre à jour et parfaire les buts, les objectifs, les politiques et les cédules du présent Plan officiel, tout en respectant les principes provinciaux et la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire , L.R.O. 1990, chapitre P.13, telle que modifié ainsi qu’établir la vision pour le développement de l’aire urbaine pour les prochains 20 ans. Cette révision au Plan Officiel est pour l’ensemble de l’aire urbaine de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland. AVIS EST DONNÉ QUE le Conseil de la Corporation de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland tiendra une séance porte ouverte virtuellement sur ZOOM le 28 e jour d’octobre 2020, à 19h , afin de considérer un amendement au Plan Officiel de l’aire urbaine de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland Règlement no 2013-147. AVIS EST DONNÉ QUE le Conseil de la Corporation de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland tiendra une réunion publique virtuellement sur ZOOM le 18 e jour de novembre 2020, à 19h , afin de considérer un amendement au Plan officiel de l’aire urbaine de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland, Règlement no 2013-147. UNE COPIE de la modification proposée au Plan officiel ainsi que les renseignements et documents relatifs à ces demandes et concernant la rencontre ZOOM sont disponibles sur le site web de la Cité. Les renseignements pour la séance porte ouverte se retrouve au lien suivant : et les renseignements pour la réunion publique se retrouve au lien suivant : http://www. Vous pouvez également communiquer avec Mme Marie-Eve Bélanger par téléphone ou par courriel. Si vous souhaitez simplement suivre la réunion, elle sera diffusée en direct sur le site Facebook de la Cité Pour de plus amples renseignements à ce sujet, notamment sur le droit d’appel, veuillez communiquer avec Mme Marie-Eve Bélanger à ou au 613-446-6022, poste 2250.

Dated at the City of Clarence-Rockland, this 15 th day of October 2020.

Daté à la Cité de Clarence-Rockland, ce 15 e jour d’octobre 2020.

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