HISTORY IN THE MAKING SWANSEA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL 1970 Swansea University is one of the UK’s first to offer Genetics degrees and soon develops a Biochemistry department
MEDICAL SCHOOL Consistently ranked in the UK top ten, the Medical School is a world-class place to learn, research and innovate. We educate and train the next generation of doctors, life scientists and health professionals through an expanding portfolio of both science-based and vocational clinical courses. Our mission to improve the health, wealth and wellbeing of the people of Wales and the world through first-class education and collaboration with the NHS, business and the third sector in a spirit of open innovation. Our community of students, researchers and partners draw on and benefit from the expertise of our international researchers and educators, building on our excellent research ranked Top 5 in the UK (REF2021).
COLLEGE OF HUMAN AND HEALTH SCIENCES 1970 Swansea University establishes a Psychology course 1988 Psychology programmes gain accreditation by the British Psychological Society (BPS) 1992 Swansea University establishes a Department of Nursing and Midwifery 1998 BSc Pre Hospital Care is launched, the first degree course for paramedics in Wales 1999 The School of Health Science is formed 2004 The Psychology Department launches its flagship MSc Abnormal and Clinical Psychology programme 2005 Psychology and Social Work programmes join to form the School of Human Sciences 2006 St. David’s Park campus is opened in Carmarthen 2007 The Wales Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience is launched 2010 The School of Health Science and School of Human Sciences merge to become the College of Human and Health Sciences 2014 The Psychology Department becomes one of only four in the UK to achieve 100% world-leading (4* rating) for reach and significance of research as part of the Research Excellence Framework (REF2014) 2015 ARCH (A Regional Collaboration for Health) is launched in collaboration with south west Wales’ regional Health Boards 2017 Nursing and Midwifery courses break into the Top 20 in UK League Tables 2017 The Health and Wellbeing Academy is launched to enhance hands-on learning while offering affordable and flexible services to the local community 2019 The College of Human and Health Sciences earns the Athena SWAN Silver Award for commitment to equality 2020 The College of Human and Health Sciences launches Paramedic Science as a full-time degree level qualification
2001 Swansea University establishes a Clinical School, which develops into a Medical School in 2004 offering a collaborative
Medical degree with Cardiff University 2006 The SAIL Databank is established
2007 The Medical School opens the doors to the Institute of Life Science (ILS) - its first bespoke research and innovation facility 2008 The BEACON project begins, in collaboration with Aberystwyth University and Bangor University 2008 The Joint Clinical Research Facility (JCRF) is launched in collaboration with the NHS 2012 The Institute of Life Science 2 opens, as well as the Centre for NanoHealth in collaboration with the College of Engineering 2013 The Farr Institute is established for health informatics research 2014 The Medical School is ranked 1st in the UK for Research Environment and 2nd in the UK for Overall Research Quality as part of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 2015 ARCH (A Regional Collaboration for Health) is launched in collaboration with south west Wales’ regional Health Boards 2015 Data Science Building is opened to harness Big Data 2015 The Medical School is Swansea University’s first department to earn an Athena SWAN Silver Award for commitment to equality 2016 The Medical School launches BSc Applied Medical Sciences and MSc Physician Associate Studies to meet future life science and healthcare challenges 2016 The British Heart Foundation chooses Swansea University as a base for its Research Centre 2016 The Medical School breaks into the Top 10 in UK League Tables 2019 Welsh Government increases funded places to meet the growing needs of the NHS
SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY The Faculty’s growing School of Psychology is research-led with a strong record of translating science into real-world benefits, as demonstrated in the most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF2021) results, with 100% of impact rated as internationally excellent. Our aim is to provide an outstanding learning experience for all students by integrating up- to-date research into education. Students are taught by academics world-leading in their field, using their insight to inform the learning and teaching experience. All undergraduate degree programmes at the School of Psychology are accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and we also have a range of specialist postgraduate opportunities that equip graduates to succeed in the workplace.
SCHOOL OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE At the School of Health and Social Care, we draw together the disciplines of nursing, midwifery, allied health professions and social care to offer a wide range of courses that make a real difference to people’s lives and society as a whole. With outstanding clinical teaching suites and laboratories and the expertise of world-leading researchers, educators and practising clinicians, we train students to become the next generation of health and social care professionals, and graduates who are equipped for the workplace in the NHS and beyond. The School is consistently ranked amongst the top ten in the UK for midwifery, nursing, paramedic science, health studies and complementary medicine.
FACULTY OF MEDICINE, HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCE 2020 Over 1000 students volunteer to join the front line in the fight against Covid-19 2020 The Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science is developed in the wake of the Covid-19 global pandemic 2021 A new MPharm Pharmacy degree is launched, the first in Wales in 100 years, and a BPS Accredited MSc Forensic Psychology 2021 The Faculty structure is developed to create the Medical School, School of Psychology and School of Health and Social Care 2022 Psychology achieves a world ranking of 201-250 in the QS World University Rankings 2022 The Faculty is commissioned by HEIW to launch BSc Occupational Therapy, BSc Operating Department Practice and BSc Learning Disability Nursing 2022 85% of Faculty research is deemed world leading and internationally excellent in terms of quality in REF 2021 2022 Medicine, Complementary Medicine, Social Work and Health Studies are ranked in the Top 5 in UK subject level League Tables
4 Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science
Strategy for Growth: 2023-2026
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