Anchor Sustainability Report 2022-2023

One of three members of the Audit and Risk Committee has relevant experience. Mike Green chairs the Audit and Risk Committee. He is a qualified accountant and Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He has held senior finance roles in large organisations (thus satisfying the UK Corporate Governance Code requirement to have at least one member of the committee to have significant, recent and relevant financial experience). Recruitment to the committee will commence in Summer 2023 following the departure of a committee member in February 2023. There are no current members of the Executive team on the Remuneration Committee. The Board last received a non-executive director succession plan at their meeting on 25 May 2022. BDO LLP was first engaged as external auditor by Anchor Trust for the year ending 31 March 2017 and continued as external auditor post-merger between Anchor Trust and Hanover Housing in 2018. They have been in place for six years. The last independent board effectiveness review was carried out in January 2023 by Saxton Bampfylde and reported to the Board in May 2023. Yes, the Chief Executive is Sarah Jones and the Chair of the Board is Christopher Kemball, who also chairs the Nominations Committee. All Board members are required to complete a declaration of interests upon appointment and make subsequent declarations as and when new interests arise. The Company Secretary’s office maintains a register of all declarations, which is circulated to directors on an annual basis to review for on-going accuracy. Before the commencement of business at each Board meeting, all directors are asked to declare if they have any interests in the matters or transactions to be discussed in the meeting. Should any such interests be declared they are managed in line with the requirements of our constitutional rules and standing orders.

C35 Board and Audit and Risk Committee members with recent and relevant financial experience

C36 Current executives on the Renumeration Committee C37 Has a succession plan been provided to the board in the last 12 months? C38 How long has the current external auditor been in place? C39 When was the last independently-run, board- effectiveness review? C40 Are the roles of the chair of the board and CEO held by two different people?

C41 How does Anchor handle conflicts of interest at the Board?


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