Accessto safe blood and blood com ponentsisa keystep in the Governm entofIndia'sm ission to achieve UniversalHealth Care foralby2030. The VirtualAssistant's integration with the CentralBlood Bank Managem entSystem would play a criticalrole during em ergencies byalowing people to instantly trackand getreal-tim e blood availabiltyata blood banknear them. -ShridharMari CEO,and

Bi-lingualcapabiltiesencouraged userengagem entand sign-upsfor governm entinitiatives.

Multi-channelcapabiltiesacross m obileand web enhanced and prom oted governm entinitiatives.

Voice-based supportincreased signupswhileim proving publichealth and wel-being.

Real-tim e accessto 200+ essential serviceshelped addressqueriesfrom a bilion citizens.

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