

Aux élus du village de Casselman

NOUVEL EMPLACEMENT du 6 au 9 MARS 2014 au Complexe Branchaud-Brière 499, boulevard Labrosse, Gatineau

Voici mon opinion suite au questionnaire que j’ai reçu par courriel d’un centre man- daté par la municipalité. On mentionne dans ce courriel que Le Centre canadien de leadership en évalua- tion (Le CLÉ) a été mandaté par la Munici- palité de Casselman pour coordonner la réalisation de sa planification stratégique en développement économique commu- nautaire. Suite à une recherche auprès de ce centre, on m’informe que le directeur gé- néral de la municipalité serait la personne qui en a fait la demande. M. le Maire et les élus, dans l’Écho de Casselman du mois d’octobre 2013, vous mentionniez que la municipalité demande l’adresse courriel aux citoyens afin de lim-

iter les envois de papier. Mais ceci ne per- met pas à la municipalité de remettre cette banque de courriels à une entreprise pour faire un sondage. Vous auriez dû demander la permission aux citoyens avant de donner leur courriel à ce centre. Cette permission, vous ne le l’avez pas obtenue. La municipalité n’a pas respecté sa parole tel qu’indiqué sur l’usage du courriel dans l’Écho de Casselman du mois d’octobre 2013. Les citoyens qui n’ont pas donné leur courriel à la municipalité vont-ils recevoir ce questionnaire par la poste? Quel est le coût aux contribuables pour ce sondage?

37 e

Courez la chance de GAGNER une CHALOUPE 14 pieds PRINCE CRAFT, 9.9 MERCURY plus REMORQUE avec votre billet d’entrée

Denis Paquette Casselman

Peat moss fee question growing stronger and complex

that peat moss extraction from Alfred Bog resulted in heavy truck traffic on both lo- cal and county roads in Alfred-Plantagenet Township and The Nation municipality. Alfred-Plantagenet Mayor Jean-Yves Lalonde noted that his council has concerns about what kind of permit fees or licensing controls on peat moss extraction might re- sult from an ARA amendment. Also his council wants to see more em- phasis on enforcing half-load restrictions for heavy truck traffic during the spring thaw period. The Nation Mayor François St-Amour also noted that the peat moss fee issue was a topic of discussion several years ago. “The problem is that two different ministries are involved,” he said. Peat moss extraction is the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agricul- ture and Rural Affairs while ARA is part of the Ministry of Natural Resources policy portfolio. St-Amour noted that the agriculture min- istry has shown no sign of allowing re-clas- sification of peat moss as an aggregate. UCPR Planning Director Louis Prévost also noted that making peat moss subject to ARA licensing would require “a major change” in provincial policy.


L’ORIGNAL | There is growing interest from around the province about whether or not peat moss harvesters should receive the same treatment as gravel extractors as far as permits and permit fees are concerned. Last November, the United Counties of Prescott-Russell council (UCPR) approved Champlain Township Mayor Gary Barton proposed that the province should amend the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) to in- clude peat moss harvesting and make it subject to provincial licensing fees the same as for gravel extraction. So far, the UCPR has received positive re- sponses to its resolution from more than a dozen small-town and rural councils throughout Ontario. “It’s way too early in the process to state how this is going to work out,” said Sté- phane Parisien, UCPR chief administrative officer, during the Jan. 22 counties council session. “But we are getting tremendous support from across Ontario with respect to the resolution. Parisien noted that the provin- cial government will need to respond to the UCPR resolution if support continues to grow. Mayor Barton repeated his assertion that peat moss extraction should be subject to a licensing fee payable to municipalities as is done with gravel extraction. “Peat moss is a natural resource, just like gravel or stone,” he said. “You take gravel out of the ground, or stone, you got to pay a fee.” Part of Barton’s earlier argument was The article titled “ATV’s on County Road”, published on page 5 in the Febru- ary 20 edition of the Reflet-News , stated that access was that the counties council would allow ATV access on County Road 5, between Des Pins Street and Calypso Road. It should have read that access for ATVs on that portion of the road was al- lowed only on Feb. 22 this year for a spe- cial event. We regret the error. Correction

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