
Mother Theresa School celebrates Olympics  gŏđŏ  

Effortless Style.

they were part of, including drawing the flag, creating a poster about the country, learning about customs and culture, study- ing geography, and of course, learning its sports. The teams then participated in games in- cluding tug-of-war, hockey shootouts, ball toss, toboggan racing, snowshoeing, soccer in the snow, and Seal. After the games hot chocolate made by parents waited in their classrooms. Everyone in the school partici- pated. At the end of the two-week period, med- als were awarded to teams representing Jamaica (gold), Greece (silver), and Slo- vakia (bronze). The school’s parent council bought the medals.


RUSSELL l A special Olympic-themed ac- tivity at Mother Teresa elementary school in Russell ended last week with closing ceremonies that included an address by Russell Olympian Greg Rokosh. The activity started two weeks earlier and kicked off with opening ceremonies that included an address by another local ath- lete, paralympian Brianna Jennett-McNeill. During this period, 20 teams, comprised of children from junior kindergarten to Grade 6, learned about the country whose “team”

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Photo Candice Vetter

Mother Teresa School in Russell made the Olympics part of their curriculum over the last two weeks and finished with closing ceremonies at the school.

Un voyage humanitaire en h,1(%-1!ŏ+)%*%%*!

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Photo fournie

Une équipe d’adolescents accompagnés de trois adultes de la région de Casselman, Limoges, Moose Creek, Wendover et Maxville feront partie d’un voyage de conscientisation en République Dominicaine, avec l’organisation Rayjon ShareCare de Sarnia, durant les vacances de mars. Ils partiront le 11 mars pour une semaine. Pendant ce voyage, ils visiteront des hôpitaux, des orphelinats, des écoles et iront

voir des projets de développements communautaires. Les jeunes ont déjà fait quelques collectes de fonds pour les aider à payer les frais de voyage. On voit ici Analysa Pilon, Dianne Séguin, Noémie Carriere (avant-plan), Natasha LeBlanc, Sarah Labelle, Geneviève MacDonell, Sarah Forgues, Kathleen Séguin et Denyse St-Onge. Absent, Richard Rouleau. Les personnes intéressées à contribuer financièrement à ce projet peuvent communiquer avec Kathleen Séguin à l’adresse kathleenpanela@

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