The majority of our students are from the eastern region with 52.72% from the IP postcode area in 2019/20. Despite the image of Suffolk being one of affluence, 50 of Suffolk’s Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) are ranked in the most deprived 20% areas in the country, and 22 LSOAs are ranked in the lowest 10%. These are almost all in Ipswich and Waveney.
A report for the Seckford Foundation ‘Young people and progression in rural Suffolk’ (2017) found that half (54%) of Suffolk Wards had lower progression into HE than expected (HEFCE). 24% of 16-64 year olds have a degree or equivalent and above compared to 29.5% in East of England and 33.1 in England (2012-19). Ipswich is one of 12 opportunity areas identified by the Department for Education as an area most challenged when it comes to social mobility. According to Suffolk County Council data, young people in Ipswich are more likely to be not in employment, education or training (NEET) than nationally.
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