Overexertion is a common reason for achiness or pain. Let’s say you decide to start up a new physical routine. You’ve never been much of a runner, but you want to get into it. So, the first day you run, you push yourself to amile. You didn’t think it sounded like too much, but your body wasn’t used to it. Your legs were overworked, and the tissues in yourmuscles got irritated, causing inflammation. Therefore, you wake up the next morning with sore legs. This is what happens when any part of your body is overworked. You may not notice it during the day while you’re moving, but inflammation can thicken overnight during inactivity, causing tissues to become inelastic. This can cause stiffness or pain in the morning, typically easing as you move throughout the day. However, the cause for stiffness isn’t always as cut and dry as, “I did an exercise I wasn’t used to so now I’m sore.” Sometimes it’s difficult to pinpoint the cause of your discomfort. That’s why it’s important to consult a physical therapist if your aches and pains persist. Simple Tips for Ache Relief: • Sleep! - This is probably the easiest step you can take to relieve common aches. Your body chemistry is delicate, and not getting enough sleep can affect that. This prevents your muscles and tissues from functioning as they normally would, resulting in stiffness, soreness, or achiness. • Stay hydrated - Drinking water is an important part of living a healthy, pain- free life. When you are dehydrated, your tissues become drier, which slows down normal chemical processes in your body. Your body is 70% water and your muscles are 80% water. When you don’t drink enough water, your body can become achy due to dryness. In order to stay hydrated, you should drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces every day. • Maintainahealthydiet of fruitsandvegetables - Fruits and vegetables with bright colors often have a higher concentration of antioxidants and vitamins. By keeping these a consistent part of your diet, you can better assist your body in both repairing itself frompain or injury, as well as providing a preventative. Fruits and vegetables help your body in maintaining its normal functions. • Exercise regularly - Exercise allows your body to efficiently pump blood around your body. When you exercise on a consistent basis, muscles and Overexertion is a common reason for achiness or pain. Let’s say you decide to start up a new physical routine. You’ve never been much of a runner, but you want to get into it. So, the first day you run, you push yourself to amile. You didn’t think it sounded like too much, but your body wasn’t used to it. Your legs were overworked, and the tissues in yourmuscles got irritated, causing inflammation. Therefore, you wake up the next morning with sore legs. This is what happens when any part of your body is overworked. You may not notice it during the day while you’re moving, but inflammation can thicken overnight during inactivity, causing tissues to become inelastic. This can cause stiffness or pain in the morning, typically easing as you move throughout the day. However, the cause for stiffness isn’t always as cut and dry as, “I did an exercise I wasn’t used to so now I’m sore.” Sometimes it’s difficult to pinpoint the cause of your discomfort. That’s why it’s important to consult a physical therapist if your aches and pains persist. Simple Tips for Ache Relief: • Sleep! - This is probably the easiest step you can take to relieve common aches. Your body chemistry is d licate, and not getting nough sleep can ff ct that. This prevents our muscl s and tissu s from functioning as they normally would, resulting in stiffness, soreness, or achi ess. • Stay hydrated - Drinking water is an important part of living a healthy, pain- free life. When you are dehydrated, your tissues become dri r, which slows down normal chemical processes in your body. Your body is 70% water and your muscles are 80% water. When you don’t drink enough water, your body can become achy due to dryness. In order to stay hydrated, you should drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces every day. • Maintainahealthydiet of fruitsandvegetables - Fruits and vegetables with bright colors often have a higher concentration of antioxidants and vitamins. By keeping these a consistent part of your diet, you can better assist your body in both repairing itself frompain or injury, as well as providing a preventative. Fruits and vegetables help your body in maintaining its normal functions. • Exercise regularly - Exercise allows your body to efficiently pump blood around your body. When you exercise on a consistent basis, muscles and WHY AM I SO ACHY?
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