

RHS students tour Italy on March Break

Fêtons le soleil à St-Albert!

Wade, and teachers Sarah Hill and Lisa Elminowski. Thestudentsdescribeditasanawesome experienceandtheywereamazedbytheart and architecture they saw, including the David in Florence, the Sistine Chapel in VaticanCity,theColisseuminRome,andthe canalsofVenice.Theyalsofoundthedifferent perspective to be eye-opening. Several studentscommentedonhowhereinCanada something 200 years old is considered very old,whereasinaplacewherestructuresbuilt by the Romans still dominate the skyline, 200 years isn’t old at all. When asked what they enjoyed most, they said they liked everything about the trip.TheywereastonishedbyItaliandriving habits, giggled about flirtatious Italian customs,andenjoyedthefood.Almostevery day they ate pasta, pork and gelato. They all said they would go back again.


RUSSELL |Thisyear’sRussellHighSchool grad trip for students ingrades 11 and 12 hadaspectaculardestination—Italy! Twentystudentsandtheirteachersvisited Rome,FlorenceandVenice,wheretheysaw some of the world’s greatest art works and toured some of the world’s most imposing ancient buildings. Participants were Jessie Anderson, Alex Briggins, Eric Chandler, Liam Cluff- Clyburne,SamsonDow,DanaDreviok,Tara Elsharkawi, Donavan Fortier-Bishop, LindseyGillis,BrendaGoode,LydiaHowell, Hillary Johnson, Crystal Leblanc, Matthew Moore,JaniceRipley,Natasha Robert,Kaitlyn Ruiter,EmilySilver,SamVanDusen,Kelsey

photosoumise Dans le cadre d’une journée thématique touchant les tropiques, et afinde bien préparerlasemainederelâche,lesélèvesetlepersonneldel’Écoleélémentaire catholique St-Albert se sont revêtus récemment de leurs plus belles couleurs tropicales pour fêter le soleil. Ils avaient pour cela confectionné des colliers de fleurs et ont participé à une session de danse Zumba.

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These Russell High students and teachers, shown here in Venice, visited Italy for MarchBreak.TheysawmanyfamoussightsinRome,FlorenceandVeniceandwere gone for over a week.

Réalisation-coordination : France Bélisle

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