I.01; III.01; VI.01; VI.02
Policy Reference(s):
Provost; Facilities; Human Resources
Responsible Department(s):
6/22/2020 7/2/2020
Approval Date: Revision Date(s):
PURPOSE These supplementary regulations have been developed by the College in order to promote the health and safety of members of all students, employees, contractors, visitors and guests entering College buildings and facilities, and mitigate the potential for such individuals to contract or spread the coronavirus or COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus (CV19). It is the College’s intention that the requirements set forth in these supplementary regulations, together with the other safety precautions and mitigation efforts being undertaken for the 2020-21 academic year, will promote a safe and healthy learning and working environment for those coming to the College’s campuses and facilities. However, given the highly contagious nature of CV19, the College cannot guarantee that its safety and mitigation efforts will eliminate all risks of contracting CV19 for those attending classes at or working in College facilities. Students, employees, contractors, visitors and guests to CCAC’s campuses and facilities who have concerns about contracting CV19 are therefore encouraged to contact their health care provider to discuss the risks of attending classes or working or visiting CCAC’s campuses and facilities, as well as other businesses and areas generally open to the public, and make decisions that best meet the needs of themselves and their families. Students with underlying health conditions or who are otherwise considered to be in a high risk category relative to potential exposure to CV19 are further encouraged to consider enrolling in one of the many course options available at CCAC through online or remote delivery. EFFECTIVE DATE/TERM These supplementary regulations shall be in effect from June 22, 2020 through the conclusion of the 2020-21 academic year. The College may modify, extend or rescind these regulations, in whole or in part, at any time, in its discretion, based upon current conditions and additional guidance from federal, state and local health authorities. SCOPE These supplementary regulations shall be applicable to all CCAC employees, students, contractors, vendors, guests and other individuals who enter CCAC buildings and facilities to attend classes, study, receive services, work or otherwise conduct business with or at the College. These supplementary regulations shall further be deemed to amend and supplement, as applicable, the CCAC Student Code of Behavioral Conduct , the CCAC Employee Manual , and the CCAC Administrative Regulations Manual , and shall have the force and effect of the same for the duration that they remain in effect.
COMPLIANCE WITH SOCIAL DISTANCING REQUIREMENTS All individuals entering CCAC buildings and facilities are required to comply with social distancing instructions and guidelines in place in that building or facility, or as otherwise communicated by the College through its public website, employee intranet, course syllabi, student handbooks, RAVE alert system or signs posted in College buildings and facilities. This requirement includes, but is not limited to, complying with posted capacity limitations for elevators, restrooms, classrooms and other work and learning spaces; entering and leaving CCAC buildings and facilities through designated entrances; adhering to the general requirement to maintain six feet of distance between yourself and other individuals to the fullest extent possible; wearing a mask or face covering where and when required; regularly washing hands; coughing or sneezing into your elbow; utilizing provided hand sanitizers; and using provided sanitizing wipes to wipe down equipment and surfaces that may be used or touched by others. The College has, to the fullest extent possible, marked off areas in common areas, lobbies, classrooms and other frequently utilized areas where individuals should stand or wait in order to maintain six feet of distance. Desks, study carols, lounge/eating areas, computer stations, open lab equipment and other study and learning areas have also been moved, taped off or marked for non-use in order to maintain appropriate social distancing. Modification or removal of social distancing signs, tape and markings, as well as the alteration or movement of seating or working areas is prohibited. SELF-SCREENING FOR CV19 SYMPTOMS All students, employees, contractors, visitors and guests are required to review the CCAC Self-Screening Questions prior to entering CCAC buildings and facilities. The Self-Screening Questions will be posted on the myCCAC portal and may be adjusted as circumstances require. Individuals who answer “yes” to any of the questions on the form, or who otherwise feel sick or suspect that they may have been exposed to CV19, should stay home, and are not permitted to come to a CCAC building or facility until their symptoms have resolved, they have received a negative CV19 test or received clearance from a health care provider that they are not at risk of transmitting CV19 to others, or have completed any recommended period of self-quarantine. Individuals returning from out-of-state travel, including to areas experiencing a spike or surge in cases of CV19, may also be subject to a period of self-quarantine or required to provide adequate proof that they have tested negative for CV19 prior to returning to work or campus. Any individual who exhibits symptoms commonly associated with CV19, or who otherwise provides information to College personnel which indicates that that individual may have been exposed to or contracted CV19, will be directed to leave the premises and not return until their symptoms have resolved and/or they have received clearance from a health care provider that they are not at risk of transmitting CV19 to others. As conditions warrant or as may be required by applicable authorities, CCAC may conduct temperature or other health screenings of individuals prior to entering CCAC buildings and facilities. Individuals who do not consent to such screenings, if required, will not be permitted entrance and required to leave the premises. USE OF MASKS, FACE COVERINGS AND OTHER APPROVED PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Public health officials, including the CDC, the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Allegheny County Health Department, all strongly recommend the use of face masks while in public settings to prevent the spread and transmission of CV19. Due to the fact that an individual can be infected with the disease without showing symptoms, as well as transmit it to others while asymptomatic, health authorities stress that the most effective means to prevent transmission of the disease is for all individuals sharing a common space to utilize a mask.
This helps to prevent droplets from an asymptomatic individual from being expelled into the air, where they can linger for periods as long as an hour, and can be absorbed through another individual’s eyes, even if that individual is wearing a mask. In short, wearing a mask not only protects the wearer of the mask, but also those with whom the wearer comes into contact. Employees and Contractors All CCAC employees, contractors, vendors and other service providers will be required to wear a mask or face covering that meets CDC guidelines at all times while in any non-private (single occupant) room or work location and while in areas in which the individual will or is likely to be in proximity to other individuals (common areas, lobbies, hallways, elevators). In order to facilitate clear communication of lecture content and instruction to all students, CCAC faculty members will have the option to use a mask or a clear face shield when providing instruction in a classroom or laboratory. Students and Visitors All CCAC students and visitors will be required to wear a mask or face covering that meets CDC guidelines at all times when inside CCAC buildings and facilities, including in laboratories, classrooms and other learning spaces. Students and visitors will also be required to wear a mask when meeting in person with advisors, counselors, supportive services personnel, registration and other College staff members. Students or visitors who do not want to wear a mask in order to meet with an advisor, counselor or other College representative may schedule a virtual appointment. Students in clinical assignments will be required to comply with the rules and procedures in effect at the site of the clinical placement. Any student that needs to remove his or her facemask during a classroom or laboratory period for a personal reason, such as to take medication or drink water, will be required to leave the classroom or laboratory before removing his or her mask. Students in laboratories will be required to utilize and follow all sterile techniques as communicated by their instructor. A supply of approved masks will be available on a first come/first serve basis at the security desk of each College building or facility that is open to students and visitors, as well as in classrooms and laboratories that are open for student and faculty use. Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities Students who cannot wear a mask due to a disability or other medical condition are required to contact the College’s Office of Supportive Services to request an accommodation and evaluate potential alternatives. Employees who cannot wear a mask due to a disability or other medical condition are required to contact the College’s Human Resources to discuss potential accommodations. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FOR COURSES CONDUCTED VIA ZOOM AND OTHER REMOTE LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES In addition to live classroom instruction, CCAC utilizes a variety of remote learning technologies, including Blackboard, Zoom and videoconferencing platforms, and lecture-capture technologies to deliver instructional
content. Courses that are taught, in whole or in part, through remote learning technologies are subject to the following rules and requirements: 1. Courses and course lectures that are conducted live via Zoom or other livestreaming or video- conferencing technologies will be recorded by the instructor for use solely by the instructor and the students who are enrolled in that class. Students will be able to access recordings through the Blackboard site established for the course and may use the recordings solely for educational purposes related to that course. 2. Students are prohibited from separately recording classroom lectures or activities conducted on Zoom or other livestreaming or videoconferencing technologies. Students are further prohibited from sharing, distributing or disclosing recordings made available to them by the instructor to any third party not enrolled in the course. 3. Students enrolled or participating in a course conducted in whole or in part through Zoom or other livestreaming or videoconferencing technology will be subject to the requirements and expectations set forth in the course syllabus, including arriving for class on time, meeting attendance requirements, and complying with appropriate classroom behavior and decorum. Students are further expected to be professional and respectful when attending classes conducted in these formats. 4. Students attending a class on Zoom or other videoconferencing technology will be required to sign in using their full name as it appears on the class roster. Use of a nickname or pseudonym is prohibited. Students who choose to use a preferred name that might not be reflected in the official class roster should review and follow the “Chosen First Name Procedure” set forth in the CCAC Student Handbook . 5. The rules and requirements set forth in the CCAC Student Handbook, the CCAC Student Code of Behavioral Conduct, and the CCAC Board Policy VII.01 - Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources , shall apply to all courses conducted, in whole or in part, through Zoom, livestreaming, videoconferencing and/or other forms of remote or online instruction. Students that fail to comply with the requirements of these policies may be removed from an individual class or course section, as well as subject to disciplinary action under the S tudent Code of Behavioral Conduct . CLASS ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS All students are required to meet the attendance requirements established for each course in which they are enrolled, whether the course is delivered in an online, remote or on-campus instructional modality, or through a combination of remote and live instruction. However, in the event that a student is unable to meet the attendance requirements for a course due to a CV-19 related reason after the published add/drop and/or withdrawal dates for the course in question, the student will be permitted to elect one of the following options: 1. The student may elect to develop a plan for completion of the course requirements, in collaboration with and subject to the approval of the student’s instructor and the Department Head. If approved by the student’s instructor and Department Head, the student will be issued an “I” (incomplete) grade in accordance with College policy so that the student may finish the course objectives at a later time without having to repay for the course; or 2. In the alternative, the student may elect to withdraw from the course for medical reasons, in accordance with the College’s medical withdrawal policy as set forth in the CCAC Student Handbook . Medical withdrawals received before the end of the drop period will result in a drop of courses (no entry on
the student's transcript). Medical withdrawals received after the drop deadline until the last day of classes will result in course entries with a "W" grade(s). Adjustment of tuition and fees follow the stated dates in the academic calendar. For purposes of the foregoing, a “COVID-19 related reason” refers to any one or more of the following circumstances which causes the student to be unable to meet the attendance requirements of a particular course(s): 1. The student has tested positive for and is undergoing treatment for COVID-19; 2. The student has been advised or directed to self-quarantine by a health care professional or governmental authority as a result of a potential exposure to COVID-19; 3. The student is needed to provide care for their minor child who is unable to attend school due to a COVID-19 related closure or illness; and
4. The student is needed to provide care for a family member with a COVID-19 related illness.
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