JohnstonPT: Relieving Neck Pain

Patient Success Spotlight


• Do you wake up with aches and pains? • Do family members have to help you out of your chair? • Does pain from an old injury keep you on the sidelines? • Does back pain put a frown on your face? • Do you have swelling and stiffness in your shoulders or knees? If You Said Yes...Now IsTheTimeTo Contact Johnston Physical Therapy & Elevate Physical Therapy To Get Your Body Back In Working Condition. You Don’t Need A Prescription! Whether you want to come in for a check-up, suffered a recent injury or you want to improve your health, a physician referral is not needed. In the state of Iowa you have direct access to physical therapy! YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE. Just as you can fill a prescription for medication at a pharmacy of your choice, you can choose where to receive physical therapy as well. Taking care of yourself means taking charge of your healthcare, so remember that regardless of which physician you see, you have a choice when it comes to physical therapy.

“ I am so thankful for them and all that they have done.” “Today, I can truly say that all the therapy I received from Johnston Physical Therapy has made me feel almost 100% better. With the variety of exercises with elastic bands, balancing activities, stretching, and working with weights I am so thankful for them and all that they have done.” -Patrice B.

Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.

RETRACTION / CHIN TUCK Slowly draw your head back so that your ears line up with your shoulders.

If this exercise does not provide you relief/help, please consider an evaluation to see if we can identify the source of your pain and provide a plan to get you back

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