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CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
money or credit card information. If you or someone you know may have been the victim of an ‘emergency’ scam, contact the OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or
Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS). You can also report the information to the $BOBEJBO"OUJ'SBVE$FOUSF $"'$ BUXXX antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca.
In typical emergency or ‘grandparent’ scams, the victim receives a frantic phone call from someone, usually claiming to be a grandchild or other distant-yet-connected loved one. The fraudster claims to need money immediately to deal with some emergency, a car accident or being stuck in a foreign country, and plays upon fears of a loved one being in trouble. Often, the first warning sign is that the scammer needs the money immediately and insists that the victim not tell anyone. The quickest way to suss out such a scam is to take your time, ask how the caller is related to you, and then hang up and verify that connection. Do not fall for ploys of urgency, fear, or secrecy. Other safeguards include watching what you post online, as scammers can find per- sonal information on social media such as names, phone numbers, and even vacation dates. Again, verify the story with a trusted GBNJMZNFNCFSPSGSJFOE#&'03&TFOEJOH
Thanks to one bank teller’s quick thin- king, a vulnerable member of our com- munity was spared from being scammed out of their savings. The Russell County Ontario Provincial Po- lice (OPP) would like to recognize a Rockland bank teller who realized a customer was being scammed and stopped the withdrawal of funds. Thanks to their quick thinking, the would-be victim was advised of the scam before the funds could be transferred. On October 12, a fraudster called the victim stating he was a friend of hers and he needed money right away to deal with an emergency. The fraudster instructed the victim to go to the bank immediately, but the teller was immediately tipped off by the large amount of the withdrawal. The teller gently advised the victim of what was happening, telling her she should hang up, and then informed her of the scam that was
Grâce à une réflexion rapide, une victime potentielle a été épargnée de l’expérience de l’arnaque. -photo d’archive
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
immunodéprimées sont encouragées à recevoir le vaccin de rappel à trois mois. « Maintenant que nous avons accès à deux types différents de vaccins de rappel bivalents contre la COVID-19, je conseille au public de recevoir le premier qui est disponible, a déclaré le Dr Paul Roumeliotis, NÊEFDJOIZHJÊOJTUFBV#4&0"MPSTRVFOPVT entrons dans les mois d’hiver et que l’on s’attend à ce que le niveau de maladies respiratoires comme la COVID-19 augmente, le vaccin bivalent vous fournira une couche supplémentaire de protection contre les sous-variants Omicron actuellement en circulation et contribuera à prévenir une maladie grave si vous êtes infecté par la COVID-19. « -F#4&0TPVIBJUFÊHBMFNFOUFODPVSBHFS la communauté à se faire vacciner contre la grippe le plus tôt possible. Le vaccin contre la grippe sera disponible à partir du 1er novembre pour toutes les personnes âgées de six mois et plus et a été approuvé pour être utilisé en même temps que le vaccin COVID-19. Avec la présence du COVID-19 dans la communauté, il est plus important
Le BSEO aide tout le monde à rester en bonne santé pendant la période des Fêtes. Le Bureau de santé de l›est de l›Ontario #4&0 PGGSFNBJOUFOBOUMFWBDDJOEFSBQ - pel bivalent COVID-19 de Pfizer à toutes les personnes âgées de 12 ans et plus. Les vaccins bivalents protègent contre la COVID-19 originale ainsi que les sous-va- riants Omicron. Le vaccin de rappel n›est disponible que pour les personnes qui ont déjà reçu leurs deux premières doses. Le vaccin de rappel bivalent de Moderna n›est toujours disponible que pour les personnes âgées de 18 ans et plus. Le rappel peut être administré aussi tôt que trois mois après la dernière dose EFWBDDJO NBJTMF#4&0SFDPNNBOEFBVY résidents de le faire vers six mois pour une couverture maximale. Les personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus, celles qui présentent un risque élevé de contracter une maladie grave liée à la COVID-19 ou celles qui sont
Two shots are now available for the public.-Archive photo
que jamais de se faire vacciner contre la grippe. Le vaccin bivalent de rappel et le vaccin contre la grippe seront disponibles auprès des prestataires de soins de santé, des
centres de santé communautaires et des pharmacies participantes. Consultez le site IUUQXXX&0)6DBQPVSTBWPJSDPNNFOU prendre un rendez-vous.
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
community, it’s especially important that everyone get their flu shot in the fall,” said Dr. 1BVM3PVNFMJPUJT .FEJDBM0GàDFSPG)FBMUI BUUIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6 “Both COVID and the flu share symptoms, and despite their similarities, being fully vaccinated for COVID won’t protect you from the flu. Getting the flu shot can help you stay healthy and reduce the pressure on our already strained healthcare system.” The flu shot is especially encouraged for children under five years of age, people 65 and older, and anyone with a chronic medical condition, as well as anyone that lives with or cares for them. The flu shot is available through health- care providers, community health centres, and participating pharmacies, as well as CZ BQQPJOUNFOU UISPVHI UIF &0)6 GPS children under five and their immediate GBNJMZ7JTJU&0)6DBUPMFBSOIPXUPCPPL an appointment.
The flu shot will be available for every in the Eastern Ontario region who is aged six months and over starting November 1. As Autumn marches in and chill winds TUBSUUPCMPX UIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6 JTSFDPNNFOEJOHUIBUBMMSFTJEFOUT receive their flu shots as soon as possible. The flu shot is the best way to protect against the flu, and many people would agree that COVID-19 is enough of a problem without adding influenza to the mix. The flu shot has been approved for everyone six months and older and is safe to use alongside the COVID-19 vaccine, so there’s no reason to delay. i/PXUIBUQFPQMFIBWFJODSFBTFEUIFJS interactions with others, and that cold and flu viruses are once again circulating in the
Le Dr Paul Roumeliotis encourage tout le monde à se faire vacciner contre la grippe le plus tôt possible. -photo d’archive
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