Folleto Mining and Raw Materials MBA (Sevilla)

Mining and Raw Materials MBA


We complete your training with the program EOI+, a set of activities throughout the Master that will take your training beyond technical expertise. This is a commitment by EOI to train the best professionals holistically, with skills and values of our time.

Through EOI Venture Launchpad you will have the opportunity to develop a comprehensive entrepreneurship program that lets you implement a new project at the end of the Master. You will be able to develop entrepreneurial skills that are essential in any organization such as initiative, creativity and passion.


Leading, decision making, communicating, presenting, negotiating... These are all essential skills for any professional. With the EOI Leader+ program you can train and develop these skills in a practical way throughout the Master.


Through EOI Social, on a voluntary basis, the students will select a social initiative, then collaborate in order to work on it as a group while studying the Master. This is a way to learn by helping others.


We live in a digital world that is changing society and the way companies perform their activities. Through the EOI Digit-all program you will delve into the basic fundamentals of the digital environment where organizations live and which all professionals should know.


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