Hola Sober Sunday

Truth Bombs The message that I bought into was that I should be able to “do it all”.

-Bring home the bacon; -Fry it up in a pan -And never ever let you forget you’re a man -‘Cause I’m a Woman-

Yup. And when I couldn’t meet those ridiculous expectations the shame and unworthiness set in. And alcohol was right there to help me de-stress, feel better, and relax. And forget. Hide. Disconnect. All the while thinking that I was alone in thinking that I couldn’t do it all. Didn’t WANT to do it all. I resented feeling like I had to do it all. Because that’s what a woman SHOULD be.

So here’s a big F*ck You to societal expectations of women to be and do “it all”. Superwoman is dead. The stress killed her.

I’ll take the freedom that comes with not giving a living crap about what other people think of me. I LOVE myself. I do my best every day to do good on this earth. And that is all that really matters. And here’s a big F*ck YOU to Big Alcohol for intentionally sacrificing my health and mental and emotional well-being for a profit. I fell for it. But if I am being truly honest, I fell for it because I wanted to. It was easier to buy into the pretty story they sold rather than do the hard work of living life fully with all of the highs and lows that come with it, feeling all the feels, and being truly honest with myself. So yes. The penny has dropped HARD.


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