

Enterprising woman: “It is intense but I like it”

fro m Hawkesbur y to Ma x ville. The first- y ear business ad m inistration student at Concordia Universit y is spend- ing m ost of her free ti m e preparing for the launch of her venture. She is currentl y in recruit m ent m ode, seeking students she will e m plo y between now and Septe m ber to do m arketing and, obviousl y , paint houses. Those interested can contact her at Elizabeth_Durocher@ y Elizabeth is i mm ersing herself in the m an y facets of an enterprise and learning about the m an y factors that go into giv- ing a ho m e a fresh look. “For e x a m ple, I a m learning how to detect wood rot,” she relates. Although she clearl y looks forward to

ness I would like to own eventuall y ,” sa y s Elizabeth. So far, the house painting enter- prise has been “an a m azing e x perience.” At ti m es, she has been spending 16 hours a week at training sessions. “It is intense but I like it.”

getting her paint business rolling, Elizabeth concedes she has qual m s about the initial reaction she m a y get. House-painting has traditionall y been a m ale-do m inated field. “I a m little scared that so m e people m a y underesti m ate m e,” allows Elizabeth. “I a m also a little nervous about having e m plo y - ees.” But Student Works is providing her with training in preparation for her launch. And, Elizabeth is not fazed b y the pros- pect of working long hours. The Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute student has held down all sorts of jobs since she was 14. She has helped out at the Studio de lettrage business owned b y her parents, Grace Ba- tista and André Durocher. “I actuall y like doing book-keeping,” she sa y s. Elizabeth has also worked at local retail outlets. When she was in grade 11, she decided she wanted to visit France. “M y parents said that was fine, as long as I paid my own wa y .” Over two y ears, she saved $14,000, working part-ti m e. “I know that having a business is a lot of work. I a m not sure what kind of busi- Une première «Vernissage solo … et la lu m ière fut !» est le titre d’une e x position que Ovila David Huard tient les 14, 15, 16 et 17 février dans l’ancien édifice m u- nicipal, 71 rue Principale, Fassett. Cette e x position est une pre m ière à Fassett et les organisateurs es- pèrent que ce n’est qu’un début. Le m aire Michel Riou x dit, « Co mm e le village de Fassett a le privilège d’avoir, sur son territoire, plu- sieurs artistes de talent, la m unicipalité, dans les prochains m ois et années, tentera de per m ettre à ses artistes d’e x poser leurs œuvres ». Les artistes qui ai m eraient e x poser leurs œuvres, sont priés de contacter M. Riou x , au m aire.fas- sett@ m m ou appeler au bureau m unicipal au 819 423-6943. Né à Saint-Eustache, Ovila David Huard, un ar- tiste autodidacte, a œuvré dans la créativité tout au long de sa vie. En passant par les chorégraphies de co m pétition, il œuvra dans ce m ilieu durant plus de 30 ans. Il développe son art dans le m ilieu de la m ode, la création de vête m ents, les défilés de m ode et finale m ent l’infographie.


HAWKESBURY | Like many people her age, at 18, Elizabeth Durocher is unsure about her long-term career path. But she is certain about one thing. “I want to have my own business so m eda y .” Over the ne x t several m onths, the Hawkesbur y native will be benefiting fro m the opportunit y to be her own boss, as the owner-operator of a house paint- ing business. Elizabeth Durocher Painting will oper- ate under the Student Works Painting banner, covering a region that stretches

Elizabeth Durocher

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