

Capotage sur la 50

Unit makes a difference TRIBUNE-EXPRESS NEWSROOM@EAP.ON.CA called police. The perpetrator did not go into the apart m ent and left the building. He was intercepted outside b y three con- stables.

HAWKESBURY| A Gatineau man faces sev- eral charges, including assaulting a police officer, following a foiled burglary at a Spence Avenue, Hawkesbury residential complex February 1. François Carol Gingras, 48, has been charged with two counts of assaulting a peace officer, two counts of uttering threats to cause death or bodil y har m , possession of cocaine, three counts of breach of proba- tion, three counts of failing to co m pl y with an undertaking, break, enter with intent to co mm it an indictable offence, one count of causing a disturbance and m ischief under $5,000. Hawkesbur y Ontario Provincial Police offi- cers arrived at the scene shortl y after 4 p. m . Neighbours had witnessed so m eone breaking down an apart m ent door and

The m an beca m e confrontational when questioned b y police and had to be sub- dued b y the officers, the detach m ent sa y s. “‘The m an was brought to the Hawkes- bur y General Hospital as a precaution as he was feeling ill due to the efforts spent resisting the officers. Once at HGH, the m an beca m e agitated again as he was re- strained to an e m ergenc y roo m stretcher. In an enraged state, he hit and da m aged X-ra y equip m ent that was nearb y ,” the de- tach m ent reports. The m an was checked, given his m edical release and kept in police custod y pend- ing a cause hearing. 35 charges In the week of Januar y 28 to Februar y 4, the detach m ent responded to 232 occur- rences and laid 35 charges. Officers inves- tigated three break and enter incidents, si x thefts and si x assaults. Five RIDE initia- tives were conducted. There were no i m - paired driving-related charges laid. Street Crime Team The Street Cri m e Tea m continues to m ake a difference, la y ing charges related to illicit drugs and court order violations. Drug possession While on proactive patrol, the SCT ar- rested a m an for possession of cocaine. François Duchar m e, 40, of Kitchener Street in Hawkesbur y was released and is to ap- pear in L’Orignal court Februar y 27. Shoplifting charge In the afternoon of Januar y 31st, the SCT found a m an e x iting the Dollara m a store on Régent Street. The suspect, who had been ordered to sta y awa y fro m the store, was arrested. Stolen ite m s were found on the suspect’s person, the detach m ent sa y s. Patrick Sicotte, 32, of Hawkesbur y , was charged with shoplifting, trespassing and failing to co m pl y with an undertak- ing. Charges laid in series of thefts HAWKESBURY | Police believe they have solved a series of thefts with the arrest of a St-André d’Argenteuil man. Martin Blondin, 38, has been charged with several thefts after the Hawkesbur y Ontario Provincial Police detach m ent ar- rested hi m for allegedl y shoplifting at the Dollara m a store Januar y 23. He was arrested after police recovered about $4,000 in stolen propert y fro m a location in Québec. The ite m s had been taken fro m local stores, trailers and private properties. So- nia Briand, 33, of St-Joseph-de-Sorel was also charged with theft. The detach m ent’s Street Cri m e Tea m investigation also resulted in a series of charges being laid against Blondin. He faces si x counts of breach of proba- tion, driving while disqualified, driving without insurance, two counts of failing to co m pl y with an undertaking, failing to provide a breath sa m ple, and possession of break-in instru m ents.

Photo Stéphane Lajoie

Aux alentours de 8 h 30 lundi matin, une camionnette de couleur grise, roulant en direction est sur l’autoroute 50, au sud de Lachute, s’est retrouvée dans le décor à la suite d’une perte de contrôle. Selon la Sûreté du Québec, le conducteur n’a subi que des blessures minimes malgré le fait que son véhicule ait fait un capotage. L’incident n’a pas causé de problème de circulation sur l’autoroute.

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