
Chantal Mayer facing the challenge 10353" * 5  r  130' * -&


herself, drawing inspiration from Internatio- nal Federation of Body Building and Fitness (IFBB) Pro Amy Fadhli. “Amy was my biggest inspiration. I loved the way she looked and I dreamed that one daymy body could look half as amazing as hers. Later it would be other IFBB Pros like Monica Brant, Corey Everson, Nicole Wilkins, Erin Stern, and a host of so many others.” “With Figure Competitions, I have disco- vered something that I’m good at and that I love to do every day. I also do it for all the health bene"ts. It is important for me to be able to live a long and healthy life.” Even during o!-season, Mayer’s diet is quiet strict in order tomaintain her physique for competitions. “In the o!-seasonmy diet is relatively loose but still fairly regimented, but I do sometimes slip. During pre-contest dieting there is no room for slippage in my diet.#is is the time of the year where small mistakes in my diet can put me back days to weeks in my preparation. All in all, the dietingmay sound kind of technical but the more you dive into it, the more it becomes second nature. Quite truthfully, the more you get into the diet and exercise, the more it becomes a lifestyle and one which I love. ” AlthoughMayer’s diet is intense, she does allow herself the occasional indulgence. “In the o!season, cheat meals are more frequent. I may eat all kinds of normal stu! like chips, chocolate and restaurant food. With my favorites being deep dish pizza, cheese burgers and chocolate brownie chee- secake.” Mayer has won several awards since she began to compete. “I have been extremely lucky in my competitive career. I have only competed in "ve contests, which have all been under the jurisdiction of the IFBB. At this year’s IFBBWorld Events Quali"er, I was named the 2015 Figure Masters National Overall Champion. One of the perks of this title and a dream of mine was the award of an IFBB Pro Card.” Before competing in nationals, attaining an IFBB Pro Card was Mayer’s ultimate goal. “I did not think that I could achieve this recognition but I believed that if I worked hard enough, that anything was possible.” “Now after winning my IFBB Pro Card, I will have to set new goals. Probably, the "rst goal that comes to mind is just getting to that "rst Pro Show. Second goal would probably be to compete at the Arnold Classic in Columbus Ohio. #is competition is run

Hawkesbury native Chantal Mayer is a mother of two and national-level #gure competitor. She won the provincial #gure title in 2013, and #nished second in Canada in 2014, as well as in 12th place at the 2014 world championships. Figure is a sport similar to bodybuil- ding, but competitors are judged solely on muscular symmetry and de"nition while downplayingmuscle size. “I have been trai- ning for roughly 15 years,” saidMayer. “I have been focused on training for competitions since 2010.” Mayer grew up inHawkesbury attending École secondaire régionale de Hawkesbury (E.S.R.H) from 1987 to 1990. She moved to Montreal soon after high school and now lives in Ottawa with her two sons and her husband, Chris Becanic. “I was not much of an athlete in high school but I enjoyed swim- ming and the old aerobics classes,” explained Mayer. “Jane Fonda and her Buns of Steel were very popular back in those days.” Mayer studied Aesthetics in Montreal and is now a certi"ed personal trainer. “I attended Institute France Laure inMontreal for Aesthetics. I have worked in Aesthetics, o! and on, for nearly 20 years but my passion is Figure competitions and helping others achieve their health and "tness goals.” Mayer was introduced to weight training by her brother Jean-Claude when they were in their teens. “At "rst, I started training in e!ort to emulate some of the models in the various "tness magazines that I would read,” describedMayer. “Later my training became a method for me to deal with the e!ects of anxiety and a way for me to be a better me and a better mom for my children. Today, I train out of pure enjoyment of seeing the changes that the body goes through, espe- cially during contest preparation, and for the challenge of being able to push bothmy mind and body to reach that level of contest conditioning.” “I also just like being able to face the chal- lenge and getting to the "nish line. For me it is like facing your fears and conquering themone by one. I really like the actual day of competition, where all of us, competitors, become part of a group and get tomeet new people from all over the world. It’s a lot of fun. I love this sport.” Mayer enjoys seeing how far she can push

by the Terminator himself Arnold Schwarze- negger and the competitors must be invited to even compete at the event. #e ultimate goal would probably be to compete on the Olympia stage.” For someone just starting out in this kind of training, Mayer said it is important to "nd a good coach, and be determined. “Although there is no formal training for a coach, having someone who is experienced in competition

preparation and who knows all the details of competition preparation is a de"nite must. #ere will be times through this journey, where you will havemuch doubt but having someone that you can trust and to talk you through that late night refrigerator raid is indispensable.” Now in her 40s, Mayer wants to continue training and hopes to achieve a couple of Olympia appearances.

Félicitations au gagnant : Vincent Lemieux

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Le gagnant du concours Pizza du 11 septembre dernier est Vincent Lemieux, 6 ans, de l'école Paul VI à Hawkesbury. Sur la photo : la classe de Vincent ainsi que lui-même qui tient la boîte à pizza.

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