Overcoming Hip, Leg, & Knee Pain
Your hips and knees are the largest joints in your body. They support your body’s weight and work in close coordination to maximize your functional mobility. While your hips, knees, and legs are tough; arthritis, injuries and age can flare up pain. If you’reexperiencinghip,kneeor legpain,callustoschedulean evaluation so we can determine the source of your pain. What Causes Hip, Knee and Leg Pain? Hip,kneeandlegpainaresurprisinglycommon,andtheirsource can come from a variety of things. If you’re experiencing pain in any part of your leg, pinpointing the exact spot can help you determine the cause. While there are several causes of hip, knee and leg pain, the most likely are:
Insomecases, limitedbloodflowmaycausebonetissuedeath, or necrosis. If you’re experiencing redness, inflammation and immobilized joints, the condition may be severe. What Are the Symptoms? While there are many symptoms of leg pain, aching, stiffness or sharp pain around the hip, groin, back or thigh may be a sign of a bigger problem. Decreased range of motion can also be a sign of deeper problems which may later result in hip, knee or leg pain. Sometimes, inactivity can contribute to immobility—and later pain. If you’re limping, lurching or experiencing poor balance, contact your physical therapist. While some hip, knee and leg pain may go away insidiously, it is always a good idea to consult your physical therapist to help prevent the pain from becoming chronic.
• Ligamentous injuries • Meniscal/labral tears • Pinched nerves • Osteoporosis • Cancer
• Arthritis • Dislocation • Hip fracture
If you’re suffering from hip, leg, or knee pain, call Blue Sky Physical Therapy to schedule your appointment today!
• Sprains and strains • Tendonitis/bursitis
Sources https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/hip-pain/basics/when-to-see-doctor/sym-20050684 https://www.everydayhealth.com/hip-pain/hip-pain-and-your-body.aspx https://www.health.harvard.edu/pain/knees-and-hips-a-troubleshooting-guide-to-knee-and- hip-pain https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/7619.php
BlueSky’sphysicaltherapistscanhelp identifythecauseofyour pain. Some causes appear gradually over time. As the body ages cartilage may wear down reducing the “buffer “between thebonesand the jointsbecome inflamed.Othercausesoccur suddenlyfrom injurysuchasahipfractureorknee ligamentous injury from a fall.
Call Blue Sky Physical Therapy at 303.388.1537 or visit blueskypt.com to schedule your appointment today!
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