American Consequences - June 2021

the corruption that exists within the system.

hoping to reinstate the Iran deal, which many security experts believe would dismantle the balance of power in the Middle East, putting our Israel and Saudi Arabia allies at a disadvantage. As for China? Hopefully Biden’s administration will follow through on its commitment to understanding the origins of coronavirus... though many Americans are currently questioning why on Earth his administration dismantled the state department’s investigation into the Wuhan lab. According to recent reports, the investigation was initially suspended because the state department feared the exposure of U.S. funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Also of great importance to many Americans – regardless of party – is the development of more transparent trade relations with China. Most U.S. folks would agree that it is not in our best interest to allow China to effectively steal our intellectual property any longer... nor can we allow China to thumb its nose at the standards put in place by the World Trade Organization. It’s unclear whether Biden is committed to fighting back against China in a meaningful way. Biden notoriously told Trump in a 2019 presidential debate... China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. I mean, they’re not bad folks, but they’re not competition for us. They can’t even figure out how to deal with the fact that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the east, I mean the west. They can’t figure out how they’re going to deal with

At the time, Biden’s comments were viewed as naïve by some, given that China is the world’s second-largest economy and may soon overtake the U.S. to become the largest economy in the world. Meanwhile, Americans are increasingly aware that we need to do something about these cyberattacks and the vulnerability of our grid. (If you haven’t yet read my story on the threat of an EMP attack, please do so here. Also, listen to my podcast interview with the head of the EMP Task Force, Dr. Peter Pry.) Most U.S. folks would agree that it is not in our best interest to allow China to effectively steal our intellectual property any longer... nor can we allow China to thumb its nose at the standards put in place by the World Trade Organization. There’s a lot of serious policy that needs to be accomplished, but at present, Biden seems more intent on restructuring the economy to create a kind of “equality of outcome.” As I've often said, our goal should be to create equality of opportunity – not outcome... But in a socialist utopia, which I believe Biden is striving for, outcomes are more highly valued. It’s a big-government-versus-small- government dilemma... And the problem for Americans right now is that the “nice

American Consequences


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