American Consequences - June 2021


of the pandemic and recorded a lower death rate than California, despite having a larger percentage of elderly people. And while Governor Andrew Cuomo made the unforgivable error of sending people with COVID-19 into nursing homes for recovery, DeSantis was wise to ensure that these measures were not enacted in Florida. Importantly, Florida was able to reopen schools... thereby saving a generation of children in the state from falling behind. Consider this: In Chicago, Illinois, kids STILL aren’t back in school full-time thanks to massively powerful teachers’ unions. In sum, Governor DeSantis will have a heck of a record to point to... He’s also comfortable in front of TV cameras (alas, a prerequisite for politicians these days) and has managed to maintain the support of the Trump community without being labeled as a total crazy person by the media. Yet , that is... Of course, that’s probably coming if he becomes serious about a presidential bid. Nonetheless, a phenomenal record can’t be disputed. And at present, I’d put DeSantis’ record up against any other Democrat politician’s, including President Joe Biden’s. The other potential contender is former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. His challenge, however, will be a lack of record... While he may ultimately be proven right on his concerns about Wuhan, as well as his policies with the Middle East, he’s more vulnerable to attacks from the Left, having been part of the Trump administration.

guy” they voted for is most focused on big government in a way they simply didn’t anticipate. Which brings us back to 2024... THE 2024 FIELD I f Trump were to run for president today, I don’t believe Americans would quite be ready for the emotional roller coaster of a Trump presidency again. But by 2024? It’s quite possible Americans will grow nostalgic for the 2016 to 2019 boom years in which unemployment reached record lows, minorities and women saw significant job growth, and medium incomes grew at the highest rates in decades. As I've often said, our goal should be to create equality of opportunity – not outcome... But in a socialist utopia, which I believe Biden is striving for, outcomes are more highly valued. But what if the Republican Party could combine all the policies of the Trump MAGA movement with a little less personality? Would that prove to be a winning ticket? Possibly... which is why so many are looking to rising stars like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as possible 2024 presidential candidates. Florida should really become a textbook case study in how to manage a crisis. The state managed to stay open through most


June 2021

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