
in Canadian politics. So I thought, after all

that drama: Let’s have some fun. It’s time to

Political colours

have a laugh again at the expense of our

elected leaders. Sure, the book is aimed

mainly at theHarper government, but I take

a few swipes at the other parties, too, not to


mention a few “iconic” Canadian media


Stephen Harper is an easy target for

Rosen had plenty of material to choose

editorial cartoonists, concedes veteran

from. “The day I came up with the idea for

satirist Dave Rosen, whose latest book

the book, I sat down and made a list of

plays around with everything from the

exactly what issues I’d deal with (the G8, jet

Prime Minister’s hairstyle to his hair-

fighters, prisons, tar sands, Arctic

raising spending policies.

sovereignty, etc, etc). Within five minutes I

“Hardly a day goes by that some issue

had a list of over 40 different topics I could


turn intocolouringbookpages. Itwas, as the

for a cartoon. It’s almost too hard to keep

PM would say, a no-brainer.”

up with the flow,” says Rosen, who lives

Dave Rosen is the editorial cartoonist for

near Alexandria.

the Montreal Mirror. His cartoons are

However, while the humourist has

syndicated by He has also

named his latest book after the PM, the


Megatoons (1984) and


nationally-syndicated cartoonist spoofs

Happened?! (1998).

many other Canadian “icons” and

Canadians themselves in “The Stephen

Harper Colouring and Activity Book.”

The book has already been endorsed by

Terry Mosher (Aislin), of the Gazette.

“Hey, get out your box of Crayolas and

magic markers for a fun time filling in

The colouring book concept had worked –

Dave Rosen’s delightful new colouring

about 5,000copiesof theNeverendumbook

book. We’ll all be doing it — all of us with

were sold.


“The reason for that being that therewas

it,” says Rosen, who is also a stand-up

Plus, the60-page, $14.95paperbackgets

a lot of anxiety after the close call of the ’95

comic and broadcaster.

a thumbs up from New Democratic Party

referendum and the book was a fun way to

The Conservatives’ electoral victory

leadership candidate Brian Topp: “Rosen

blow off steam.”

convinced Rosen to go ahead with an idea

is an artist who stands on his own, his

He continues: “I see this book the same

that had been on the drawing board for

rapier wit laying waste to those of us in


some time.

politics…This book is one of the best.” Go

in Canadian politics. The Tories got their

“I’ve beenwanting todo a cartoon book


majority, the NDP made history by

about the Harper government for years

Tthe book enables readers to“FindSteve

becoming the official opposition, the

but, because it was aminority government

A New Hairstyle,” build a G8 gazebo and

Liberals took a beating they may never

and could be voted out at any time, I held

complete a tar sands pipeline.

recover from and the BQ was decimated.

back. I didn’t want to publish a book only

They can also have fun with other

The mixed feelings that a lot of Canadians

tohave the Tories votedout of office,” says

prominent figures such as Peter

had over those results reminded me of the

the nationally-syndicated commentator.

Mansbridge, Don Cherry, Rob Ford,

near-traumatic experience of the

After the May 2 election, Rosen, who

Elizabeth May and Justin Trudeau.

referendum. Add to that the tragic loss of

had published The Québec Neverendum


Jack Layton just a couple of months later.

Colouring & Activity Book in 1996, opted

and colouring this book as I had drawing


for a similar format for his Harper spoof.




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