
produces foragriculturalproducers. Farmers,

So, somebody asked, “Want to do a

aswe are often reminded, are the backbone of

“roast” piece on Jean-Marc Lalonde?”

the economy.

Of course.

And, of course, whenever Lalonde speaks

After all, the long-time politician has

he must mention how lucky we are to live in

finally stepped down and it is only


appropriate that we take some good-

His catch phrase seems to have been

natured, well-intentioned “humourous”

adopted by his successor Grant Crack, who

jabs as he exits the political stage.

mentioned something about the sun in the

Lalondehasbeenaplayer inthepolitical

The sun rises on a new era


arena for about 41 years. As everyone

after he was elected October 6.

knows, after serving as a councillor and

Eh, bien, the tradition continues.

later as mayor in Rockland, Lalonde made

his popularity has been buoyed by the fact

somebody actually has a smart idea. It was

the successful leap to provincial politics 16

that over the last few years he, and MP

a sure vote-getter.

years ago when he became Glengarry-

United against

Pierre Lemieux, have been delivering large

But, wait a minute, what was Lalonde

Prescott-Russell M.P.P.

cheques to help finance improvements for

saying about this fabulous policy? Er, um,

One would think that after all these

everything from curling rinks to sewage

he did not support it, because of “social

child abuse

years, findingmaterial for a “roast”would

plants.We have to remember that this is our

reasons.” Apparently, he was in that small

be a piece of cake.

money they are doling out here. And under

camp that believes cheaper suds will

Young people are joining the campaign

One would suspect that over the past


encourageover-consumption. It couldalso

to raise awareness of violence against

four decades, Lalonde would have

of the cost of thesehugeprojects has to come

have something to do with the fact that the


provided pundits with plenty of

frommunicipal coffers.

idea came from the Tories. He was not the


ammunition to make the long-time

Let’s see…what else can we complain

only party pooper, obviously, because

students and staff at four area schools,

representative squirm in the hot seat.


affordable beer never did catch on an

including Pleasant Corners Public School,

But, truth be told, it is hard to find

Oh, right – cheap beer, or Lalonde’s

election campaign issue. Pity.

were to formOctober 20 a purple ribbon as a

several good reasons to baste the roastee.

inconsistent stance on this burning issue.

Anyway, Lalonde is not the first and

gesture of support for victims.

For one thing, we do not want to be

Youmay recall that at one time, our man

definitely will not be the last politician to

The Valoris for Children and Adults of

cruel, particularly when it is highly likely

at Queen’s Park had been making the case

toe theparty lineandopposeanopponent’s

Prescott-Russell agency is organizing

that the roastee will be reading this.

for legislative amendments that would

suggestion regardless of howwonderful it

activities to highlight the importance of

Plus, it is difficult to find anyone who is

permit eastern Ontario dépanneurs to sell



ready to publicly criticize Lalonde.

beer andwine. Corner stores here would be

In fact, our representative constantly

services aimed at protecting youth and

However, before he became the mayor of

able to generatemore revenues. Thiswould

defended theHST, pointing to some sort of

insuring their safety.

Hawkesbury, René Berthiaume once

have been a good thing because, as we are

evidence that showed a new levy would

October 20, “Purple Day,” students and

labelled Lalonde as the “M.P.P. for

often reminded, small businesses are the

actually be good for the economy.

teachers from participating schools wore

Rockland.” At the time, Berthiaume was

backbone of the economy. Plus, thirsty

Youwill nodoubt rememberwhen farm

purple clothing or accessories as a show of

leading a group trying to convince the

consumers would not have to drive to

animals were used as a political prop by

support for prevention of abuse towards


Québec toget refreshmentson theweekend.

Lalonde and the Agriculture, Food and

those who are too young to defend

rehabilitation of the former Canadian

Alas, the dépanneur beer sale idea made

Rural Affairs Minister. They visited a St-


International Paperwaste lagoon. Lalonde

toomuch sense, so, of course. it failed to get

Eugène goat farmand posedwith the herd

Everymonth in2010-2011, Valoris served

continuedtoback thegovernment’splan to

enoughsupport intheLegislativeAssembly

as part of a pitch in favour of the HST.

an average of 271 families under its child

partially clean up the riverfront site.

and the notion went flat a long time ago.

Granted, it takes some confidence to

protection mandate; this represents a 10 %

However, for themost part, Lalondehas

But, earlier thisyear,Conservative leader

organize a photo op and not be afraid of

increase over 2009-2010.

remained popular.

TimHudak, in a rare showof brilliance, had


As of March 31, some 175 youths were


uncorked a great idea – the province ought

the veteran M.P.P. looked pretty good in

under the care of Valoris.

the outgoing member is actually admired

to lower the price of beer. Yes! At last a

the newspaper shots.

If you have any questions or concerns

and many felt that the seat in Toronto was

promise that everyone could toast.At a time

The goat farm, which just happened to

related to child abuse, contact Valoris for

his for as long as he wanted it.

when we are trying to deal with the HST

be a recipient of government funds, was

Children and Adults of Prescott-Russell at 1

But even Lalonde would concede that

(HatedSalesTax), ecofeesandsmartmeters,

cited as an example of the benefits the HST

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