2011-12 EuroAmerican Propagators Catalog

More Ways EuroAmerican Helps Landscapers Increase Their Business with Proven Winners Our extensive selection of exceptional plants for the landscape not only provides beautiful options for individual gardeners but also meets the standards and needs of professional landscape firms and high-profile venues, like the Hotel del Coronado. We provide a complete collection of annuals, perennials, and succulents and recommendations on what will work best in different regions. Interested in becoming a licensed landscape grower? At EuroAmerican, we know that tags and pots can become a nuisance on the job site. By joining our network of licensed landscape growers, you can opt out of the required tag per every liner. We can also supply you with the Ellepot® program to grow your landscape material without plastic waste.

Landscapes as magnificent and high-profile as Hotel del Coronado off the coast of San Diego, choose Proven Winners plants. From the waves of glorious color surrounding the pools and patios to the stylish mix of succulents surrounding the restaurants, Proven Winners and Proven Selections varieties are everywhere. Contact our office if you have a high profile site that is interested in becoming a Proven Winners Signature Garden â„¢ .

28 888-323-0730 www.pweuro.com

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