2011-12 EuroAmerican Propagators Catalog

Didelta carnosa DAWN ™

Z 9-11 8-10”

Cool temperatures in the late fall initiate the bright golden-yellow daisy-like flowers. The distinguishing silver-grey foliage has a mounding habit that looks great in containers. 84 1

Doronicum orientale

LEONARDO ™ Compact Large, bright yellow daisy-like flowers bloom early in the season giving a big punch of color. Its compact, green foliage looks great all season long. 50 1 Z 4-7 10-14” GOLD MOUND Gold Mound is prized for its brilliant gold leaves and compact, bushy habit. From time to time, the plant produces the added bonus of purple flowers; however, the foliage color is its most noted feature. Thornless and loves both the heat and humidity. 84 1 Z 9-11 24-48” MAURELII Red Banana This sun lover and fast grower has a trunk, petioles, and undersides of leaves that are a rich, dark red. Best grown as an annual in northern regions with hot, humid summers. 32S, 50 1 Gold ‘Innrysigol’ USPPAF A good companion to grow alongside other cool season crops, Precious Gold makes very floriferous, well-branched plants that display brightly colored, scented blooms in Spring and Autumn. Plants are appropriate for both landscapes and mixed containers. 84 1 VARIEGATUM Not only is this variety easy to grow, but it responds well to pinching. Broad, creamy yellow margins enhance the bright and colorful early blooming lilac flowers. 84 1 Erysimum hybrid PRECIOUS ® Z 9-11 36-96” Z 6-10 12-16” Z 6-10 12-16” Duranta repens Ensete ventricosum

DAWN™ Didelta carnosa

Leonardo™ Compact Doronicum orientale

GOLD MOUND Duranta repens

MAURELII Red Banana Ensete ventricosum

PRECIOUS® Gold Erysimum hybrid

VARIEGATUM Erysimum hybrid

888-323-0730 www.pweuro.com 83

Tray Sizes: 32, 32S, 50, 50D, 72, 84, 128 or 162 Number of cuttings per cell: 1, 2 or 3 Pinched - P

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