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Larry Boswell’s small frame and soft- spoken nature, his voice a low rumble nearly inaudible amongst the neighs, moos, snorts and clucks, belies the confidence with which he navigates around the traffic of farm animals. One large turkey in particular, Edward, who saw this reporter as a threat, proved a formidable foe, puffing up his feathers, kicking and slapping with his wings. Boswell paid him no mind and quietly asked volunteer Katia Albert to take the self-appointed guard turkey away. “Edward doesn’t particularly like men,” said Albert, as she hoisted the massive bird into her arms, shuttling him into an enclosure with some ducks. With Edward’s efforts frustrated, Boswell continued the tour of his family’s farm animal sanctuary. Penny Lane Farm Sanctuary started in Vars in 2010, rescuing and rehabilitating IPSTFTBUUIFXJTIFTPG-BSSZBOE/BODZ Boswell’s daughter, Karyn. Eventually, the sanctuary grew to upwards of 30 horses, UIFOUIF.POUSÊBM4PDJFUZGPSUIF1SFWFOUJPO of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) asked them if they wanted a couple goats as well. “And then it spread from there,” said Boswell. /PX MPDBUFE PO NPSF UIBO  BDSFT in Saint-Pascal-Baylon, Penny Lane cares for hundreds of animals. Goats, turkeys, pigs, cows, horses, ducks, donkeys, a llama named Henry and two rare twin geeps, an accidental cross between a goat and a TIFFQ.PTUPGUIFBOJNBMTBU1FOOZ-BOF were once abused, neglected and destined for slaughter or euthanasia. Through the Boswell’s connections with locals, farmers, the SPCA and a network of animal rescue organizations, these animals live out their lives under the care of Boswell and a lengthy list of more than 30 volunteers. “The work they do is absolutely critical,” said Tammy Benoit, special placements manager at the SPCA. The cost of keeping farm animals is often prohibitive, and sanctuaries are underfunded and at or beyond their capacity to take in

Penny Lane sauve des animaux qui ont été maltraités, négligés ou destinés à l’abattage. La bénévole Katia Albert reçoit une léchouille d’un veau qui a été retrouvé pendu par un lacet après que sa sœur ait été tuée dans un sacrifice rituel - photo Joseph Coppolino

more animals, according to Benoit. Penny Lane fills a gap in the animal rescue network, often taking animals other sanctuaries can- not or will not house, like roosters or those with expensive medical conditions. “Karyn is the first person I call when I have an animal. The very first person,’ said Benoit. “Without them we wouldn’t have any resources for these animals.” Animal celebrities Some of the more famous animals on the farm include Cowboy, a horse tortured by his previous owners, and a pig named


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Keeping farm animals like cows can be extremely expensive, so Penny Lane relies on donations from the public and corporations and the occasional grant from different levels of government. - photo Joseph Coppolino

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