BackToAction_The Easiest Ways To Treat Arhtritis

PRACTICE NEWS: Keeping Our Community InMind!

Brownsville. Back To Action Physical Therapy donated toys, and along with all the toys we have gathered from our friendsand familyduringour toydrive,weredonated to theCatholicCharitiesOfRGV.The toyswere received by the CCRGV representative and social worker, Ana Rodriguez. CatholicCharitiesoftheRioGrandeValley isthecharitable branch of the Diocese of Brownsville. Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley has projects that provide assistance to the poor and most vulnerable population inourcommunity. It ispartof the largerfamilyofCatholic Charities USA and Caritas Internationalis. Wewish to thankeveryonewho’veshared theirblessings to bring joy to children receiving these toys this holiday season. EaglePass. BTAwasagoldsponsorfortheannualSpirits of theFallBeer tastingfundraiser.Themid-levelproviders of Southwest Texas host this event to raise funds for scholarships given to seniors from both campuses wanting to pursue a career in the medical field. It was a fun and successful event. Before the Thanksgiving holiday, BTA staff and family volunteeredat theannualFeastofSharingsponsoredby HEBand theCityofEaglePass.Weserveduphundreds of hot meals to the community and had a great time

“behind the scenes” We are grateful for amazing staff, friendship, and teamwork. We would also like to wish our PT tech, Rosanna, a very happybirthday!!Wewishyoutheverybestonyourspecial day. May you celebrate many more! Harlingen. Happy Holidays from all of us at Back to Action PhysicalTherapy! We hope you all enjoy a happy and healthy holiday season with friends and family. Back To Action Harlingen had a Toy Drive for the past month. We delivered gifts to elementary schools in the area as part of St. Paul Lutheran Church Angel Tree program. It was terrific to see the smiles on these children’sfacessoaspecial thankyou toall thatdonated. DelRio. MerryChristmas fromallofusatBack toAction! Wewishyouandyourfamiliesawonderfulholidayseason andaveryHappyNewYear! In thespiritofgiving,DelRio hosteda toydrive thismonthfor theNinosNavidenos,an event that distributes toys and hosts a Christmas party forchildren in thecommunity.Back toActionwasalsoa proudplatinumsponsor for the2018WildGameDinner, a fundraiser for the Del Rio Chamber of Commerce. Employees also enjoyed a wonderful Christmas dinner and party at Cripple Creek with games at the clinic after dinner. One of our patients heard about our party and delivered a beautiful homemade cake to our table!

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