Patient Success Spotlight
Joe Pedini, left sided sciatica
Tim Kiley, DPT
In October 2018, Joe started treatment at Bay State Physical Therapy in Halifax for low back pain and radiating symptoms into his left leg. He reported a long history of pain symptoms impacting his ability to complete daily activities. Joe’s daily activities recently increased with his wife’s diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, adding to his motivation to maximize his recovery. Joe’s physical therapy treatment plan included muscle strengthening, manual interventions and exercises for balance to improve his core muscle strength and lower body flexibility. His treatment also included improvinghisawarenessofpropermovementpatterns inorder todecrease his risk for re-injury. “I have been coming to Bay State Physical Therapy since October. I was experiencing back pain and numbness on my left lower back and left leg. The therapist there took charge and began treating me with various exercises and massage treatments. After just a week of treatments I started feeling better and actually looked forward to going for my treatment. I can thank Brittany, Ryan, Erin, Alex, and Hannah for making me feel so much better. I would recommend Bay State Physical Therapy to my family, friends, neighbors and anyone who is in need of physical therapy treatments.” We are thankful for Joe’s referrals of his friends and family, and are happy to report that his wife is also experiencing success at Bay State Physical Therapy!
Timgraduatedfrom theUniversityofMiami,FL in2006earningaDoctorate inPhysicalTherapy.Tim joinedBayStatePhysicalTherapyasamanaging partner in 2011 opening our office in South Boston, where he resided at the time. Tim and his growing family moved to the Metro West area in 2016 and settled in Hopkinton where his wife Jen had grown up. Eager toexpandwithinBayStatePhysicalTherapyhedecided toopenasecond practicewithin theBoroughsFamilyYMCA. This facilitysitsat the junction ofseveral towns includingWestborough,Shrewsbury,andNorthborough. It services an even bigger community as it has a wide array of services including summer camps, indoor and outdoor pools, and many family friendlyactivities. Tim isexcitedabout theopportunity tobringhispractice skills into thisareaandhelpassist those inneedofskilled therapyservices. Tim’s professional interests include advanced treatment of post-surgical shoulder and knee patients, management of running related injuries, and manual therapy of the spine. Tim uses a hands-on approach to assess deficits during a thorough evaluation, then implements a plan of care for an individualized treatment plan. Tim is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and works on developing treatment plans forpatientsafter theircourseofphysical therapy,so that theycancontinue to improve their overall health and fitness. Along with spending time with his family, Tim enjoys playing basketball, volleyball,running in local5kraces,halfmarathonsandmarathons(finished BostonMarathon2015,2017)and followingBostonsports.Healsoenjoys being active in the community and has spent time as a coach at the high school and middle school level.
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