EllisPT: Improve Physical Performance With These Stretches

It is important to not only make sure you’re stretching after exercise but that you’re doing the right types of stretches. Some helpful stretches to incorporate that will help you avoid pain and injury include: 1. Kneeling hip flexor stretch. Kneel on a mat or soft surface. Make sure you’re positioned so your right knee is straight up and the bottom of your right foot is flat on the floor. Extend your left leg behind you so the top of your left foot is flat on the floor. Begin to shift your weight forward and stop when you begin to feel the stretch in your hip. Hold for 30-45 seconds, then switch legs. 2. Pigeon stretch. Begin on a mat or soft surface. Sit so your left leg is extended behind you, with the top of your left leg flat on the floor, and your right leg bent so the outside of your calf and thigh are flat on the floor. Your right foot should be almost touching your left hip. Slowly lean forward with your arms outstretched so your chest is resting on top of your bent right leg. Keep your head tucked toward the ground. Hold for 30-45 seconds, then relax and switch sides. 3. Calf stretch. Stand with your hands on your hips. Step forward with your right leg and bend your knee, keeping your left leg straight behind you. Place your left heel flat on the ground so you feel the stretch in your left calf muscle. Hold for 30-45 seconds, then switch legs. 4. Quad stretch. Stand with your legs hip-width apart. Relax your shoulders and flex your abdominal muscles. Use your right hand to pull your right leg toward your buttocks, so your knee is bent facing the floor. Hold your right foot in your hand for 30-45 seconds, then repeat on the left side. 5. Hamstring stretch. Begin by holding onto a stable object, such as a wall, chair, or railing. Place your right foot on a slightly raised surface, such as a HELPFUL STRETCHES TO AVOID PAIN EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Flexibility, strength, and stability are needed to keep you loose and pain-free... Not all exercises are appropriate for every person. Please consult with a healthcare provider before starting.

step or a curb, so your heel is touching the surface and your toes are facing upwards. Make sure your hips are straight. Slowly bend your left knee until you begin to feel the stretch in your right thigh. Hold for 30-45 seconds then repeat with the left leg. 6. Supine twist stretch. Begin by laying on a mat or soft surface, with your back flat on the ground and your right knee bent. Use your left arm to bring your bent right knee to the other side of your body, keeping your right arm outstretched flat on the ground. Rotate your hips slightly to the left in order to do this. Hold for 30-45 seconds then repeat with the left leg.

Add stretches to your daily routine today!

There are many other ways that stretching can help you live your best life. If you are looking to add stretches to your daily life, contact us for assistance! We will schedule a consultation with one of our dedicated physical therapists, so you can discuss which stretches will be best for you. Contact Ellis Physical Therapy today to get started on the first steps of your treatment plan and learn more about how targeted stretches will benefit you!

Patient Success Spotlight

LEVATOR SCAPULAE STRETCH Grasp your arm on the affected side and tilt your head downward into the armpit. Use your opposite hand to guide your head further into the stretch. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat on each side as needed.

“A couple of years ago, I was dealt a devastating blow with a diagnosis of a progressively debilitating disease. I had to quit work and started to go downhill with loss of strength and balance. Ellis Physical Therapy and their Aquatic Program have helped me to regain some strength, balance, and mobility that I thought would never happen again. Even my wife is seeing an increase in strength, improvement in balance, and mobility. They are very knowledgeable, caring, and patient with my needs. They take the time to explain things that I need to know or understand to help make my rehab adventure successful.” - S.B. “They are very knowledgeable, caring, and patient with my needs.”

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