

What’s in Your Toolbox?

esourcefulness is a trait most entrepreneurs already R

to owning sustainable businesses. New Think Realty

contributor and founder of the 10X movement, Grant Cardone, talks about the true cost of homeownership; Ellis Hammond shares why

have in their toolbox. But like most life tools, it can and needs to be sharpened often. And it needs to be used. So far this year, most of us have had plenty of reasons to be resourceful—to use the tools necessary to pivot and persevere. The theme of this issue is resources and sustainability— how investors can use resources available to build a sustainable business. How have you been resourceful in this year of constant change? Our cover story person, Sherman Ragland, exemplifies the result of mixing resources with hard work. Now, he’s offering educational resources to others, helping them build wealth through hands- on learning in real estate investing. Read his story on page 20 and find out how educating others has led to his definition of ultimate success. The Think Realty team is excited to bring readers a wealth of information from qualified experts in their fields of REI— people who have walked the walk and who have been resourceful on their journey

fear, of all things, is the green light for action; and featured contributor Bruce McNeilage discusses the rise of the rent-to-own market. Plus, a magazine issue focused on resources wouldn’t be complete without information on land and agriculture, so we’ve included that too! We have also been working in anticipation to share other invaluable resources with you, like our first hybrid event in Atlanta! We feel this opportunity, although born of necessity and restriction, has actually ignited a best-case-scenario event that can reach even MORE people, educate even MORE blooming investors, and inspire even MORE business owners to scale their companies. We hope you join us—in person or from home—and take advantage of the resources available to YOU! Thank you for reading Think Realty Magazine, just one of many REI tools to help guide you on your ever-changing journey. •

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