do so,” or words to that effect. As he went on home, he thought of his need; .God spoke to him, and he was ready and prepared by the Spirit o f God when the next few hours brought that telegram from home: “Mother sick. Comfryquick.” He told the worker that he would go tome and tell his mother the first thing after arrival that he had accepted Christ in _ansvyer to her prayer. W e could not help but see God’s hand working out all the details and all the circumstances which le thinking very deeply about his soul’s sal vation ever since he had heard a message on the street which went home to his heart, followed as it was by his mother’s illness,^ who had prayed for'' his salvation. He. accepted Christ, and a miriute or two later the worker had to leave the ship, just as the lines were Joosened. The message referred to was given by a member o f the Fishermen’s Club on the street in San Pedro, who said : “ Friends, do not put off that decision to accept Christ. Someone’s mother is praying for you, and has for years, but death some day may prevent her from continuing to BIBLE INSTITUE EVANGELIST PREACHING ON LOS ANGELES STREET
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