

and prompted some to make a way for the


exit. Anyway, nobody was hurt and the

certain members of the delegation brought

exotic animal by-law was adopted. Good



an iguana. Some citizens in attendance


freaked out when one animal lover, with a

Hawkesburgers with queries about local

penchant for drama, addressed council. He

government can try to get answers straight

was wearing a boa, and he was not making

from the horse’s mouth. But there are

a fashion statement. There was a really big

guidelines to be observed. Bring only your

snake, that looked like a fire hose, coiled

questions. Leave your ego and your reptiles

Up front and questioning


at home.

PERDEZ 20 jusqu’à d’ici Pâques Résultats garantis. † livres

There are many things that make you

We trust complete strangers with our

want to go, “Huh? Really? On purpose?”

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money; it is like going to the bank.

For example, let us take the state of being

When governments spend our money,

up-front. Being straight-forward, without

most of the people who are paying the bills

being “in your face,” is usually a good way

are not in the room when the decisions are

to approach life.


Nancy a perdu 191 livres et 179 pouces. et 22 tailles de vêtements*

Frankness, earnestness, sincerity are all

Thankfully, we can sleep on both ears

admirable traits. Honesty is the best policy,


etc., etc.

most things, most of the time.

But a state of up-frontness is not good

Besides, trust, and the belief in the basic


decency and integrity of human beings, are



to their council members.

the pillars of our democracy. (Want to know

You are no doubt aware that for decades,

more? Check out contractarianism. It is not as

Hawkesbury town council members have

scary as it sounds and does not require a

received one-third of their salaries in


DE VRAIS ALIMENTS CONSEILLERS PERSONNELS PRODUITS NATURELS Un système bien pensé pour une perte de poids qui dure :

advance. This amount, deemed to be for

Despite a widespread dislike for

expenses incidental to the discharge of their

politicians, we still have faith in our

duties as representatives of the people, is

representatives. As theAmericans say, there

250, rue Main Est, Hawkesbury, ON Tél. : 613 632-9282 • Télec. : 613 632-0791

paid in January. “Usually, you pay when a

are checks and balances in our systems.


Plus, we live in small towns. If anything

Michel Thibodeau when the tradition was

untoward was happening, and we are not

* Notre clientèle est variée, tout comme ses résultats. †Voir les détails en magasin. Certaines conditions s’appliquent. © 2011 Herbal Magic. Tous droits réservés.

endorsed by the new council recently. He

suggesting that it is or ever has, the scandal,

and Councillor Johanne Portelance voted

real or imagined, would be out on Facebook

against the custom, which is not recognized

or YouTube before you could say

by provincial law but is accepted through


one of those peculiar “grandfather” clauses.

Understandably, there is a general sense

(Yes, sadly, some political jargon remains

of optimism in the air. The new terms of our


newly-elected municipal councils have just

The Ontario Municipal Act does not

begun and representatives are eager to get

permit the town’s tradition, however, since

down to work and begin fulfilling all those


election promises.

of the law, the town can keep on paying the

In Hawkesbury, thankfully, members

one-third up-front by adopting a by-law

have wasted little time in putting into effect

that continues the practice. What kind of

a pledge made by several candidates during


the fall campaign – the reinstatement of the


public question period.

salary of $31,405 and the six councillors will


each receive a basic $16,322.

are very concerned about maintaining

Sweet little set-up, eh? The members get

decorum. So, there are rules to be obeyed to

paid for services they have not rendered.

ensure that question period in Hawkesbury

Now, no doubt, the pay-now-work-later


concept is based on some sane, time-

House of Commons, which sometimes can

honoured method. But, where did this idea

become a real zoo.

come from? Perhaps it goes back to one

Speaking of wild shows, years ago, a

particular grim and cold January, when

Hawkesbury council session took a walk on


the wild side during what is fondly


remembered as The Night Of The Iguana.

up furnace oil tanks, so they decided that it

People had shown up at the town hall to


pay right away.

The Plan

Anyway, this dubious deal makes one

wonder how the voters can be assured that

Town council will begin working on a

they are getting their money’s worth. In

long-term development strategy for

effect, members are paid for four months of

Hawkesbury that will be held Monday,

service without having lifted a finger. Is

February 7 at 7 p.m. at the town hall.


All members sit on Le Comité 100 jours du


plan d’affaire visionnaire et stratégique. he

money because he or she was found to be


slacking off? Of course not, silly.

René Berthiaume’s key promises in his


election campaign. Berthiaume has pledged

workers who get a performance evaluation

to seek input from the public and council

every four years. That is how democracy

members to draw up a plan within 100 days

works. Every four years, we elect people

of the new council being sworn in.

who are supposed to work for us. These

Volunteers Needed

workers set their own salaries, and decide

howmuchmoney we pay to ensure that the

The Hawkesbury Meals On Wheels

wheels of local government keep turning.

program seeks two volunteers to deliver

Our money is spent, ostensibly, in the

meals to elderly, handicapped and

best interests of all. Then, every four years,

convalescing people between 11:30 a.m.

when the next election rolls around, we

and 12:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Call

electors hope that we know enough about

the elected’s actions to be able to decide

Isabelle Lalonde at 613-632-0939 for more

whether to retain or fire them.



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