Concierge CPA December 2018

8221 Brecksville Rd, STE 205 Brecksville, OH 44141


(440) 340-1030

INSIDE It Is Time … Page 1 Borbala’s Schedule Page 2 Client of the Month Page 2 Changes That Will Affect Your Taxes Page 3 Holiday Roast Prime Rib Page 3 Come and Taste Our Award-Winning Hungarian Goulash! Page 4

Come and Taste Our Award-Winning Hungarian Goulash!

Remember our September article about the Hungarian Goulash Cook-Off we participated in this summer? Many of our clients asked us when they can have a taste, so we decided to throw an Open House in the new year and cook a huge batch! If you are a current client, look out for your invitation soon! Meanwhile, here is a picture of the luncheon we threw in our new boardroom when hosting my EOA (Entrepreneur Organization Accelerator) monthly accountability group meeting in late November. All four of us in the office and Mama Szilagyi worked very hard to impress our guests, and at the end, everybody loved the goulash, Italian desserts, and the Tuscan wine. I welcomed the validation of our brand coming from Andy Fortner, a fellow EOA member, who expressed, “I can only imagine what effort and detail you put into your accounting and tax work if you go to this length to host a perfect lunch!”

I hope we are going to stay in the CPA business, but it’s good to have options, isn’t it?

Next, we’ll be hosting a luncheon for a small group of 14 consulting clients in early December.

–Borbala Banto, CPA

Monica from our staff noted: “If by any chance the CPA business fails, we can just rebrand ourselves as a catering company!”


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