

Bigger charity budget planned for counties

each mayor to distribute as desired to local non-pro"ts and community projects or pro- grams with the eight UCPR municipalities. Barton suggested doubling it and his fellow mayors verbally supported the idea during their August 13 committee of the whole session. “This is a very, very important chunk of money,” said Mayor Jean-Yves Lalonde of Alfred-Plantagenet Township, “and it is very well used.” Council directed administration to in- clude the proposal for increasing the discre- tionary aid allowance in the 2015 counties budget planning process.


L’ORIGNAL | The annual charitable allow- ance from the counties for communities in Prescott-Russell is going to double next year. Champlain Township Mayor Gary Bar- ton suggested that the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) increase the discre- tionary aid allowance each member mayor receives as part of the annual counties budget. The current allocation is $5000 for

ŏ%2!.ŏ#.*0/ŏý++ ŏ+10 The South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) is pouring out the grant money this summer to support a variety of community projects. The SNC provided $300 River Grant Program cheques to "ve projects to support children’s recreation, heritage promotion, and tourism festivals in the South Nation River watershed region. The latest recipients of River grants are the annual Tea with Mercy Fairbairn event at Spencerville Mill, the Crysler Optimist Club’s Summer Children’s Camp, the Local Bassholes Fishing Derby in Casselman, the Grant Mills historical plaque dedication at Hyndman by the Grenville County Histori- cal Society, and the South Dundas Chamber of Commerce 44th Annual Tubie Festival at Morrisburg. The River grants program supports events that promote recreational use and awareness of the watershed. +..!0%+* The story on the Drouin Bridge re"t in the Aug. 20 edition of the Vision contained an error. The bridge will not be open for vehicle tra#c at the end of September as stated. It will be o#cially open for use at the end of October following a formal ceremony marking its completion. The Vision regrets the error.

Amélie Emond - 613-419-1166 -

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