Pendleton United anniversary
gations in Cassburn, Hawkesbury, Kirk Hill, Riceville-Pendleton, and Vankleek Hill’s Trinity church. The anniversary service begins at 10:30 a.m. and will include reflections on the his- tory of the church since its founding. Con- struction of the original church took place between 1886 and 1888 and the two-storey structure, complete with steeple, was built without the use of any special heavy equip- ment. Following the anniversary worship ser- vice, congregation members and guests will enjoy a luncheon/reception at the South Plantagenet Community Hall on County Road 9. More details on the anni- versary event is at www.riceville-pendleto- nunitedchurch.ca.
PENDLETON | The congregation of one of the oldest local churches in Prescott- Russell will mark the event in proper style next month. The Pendleton United Church turns 125 in July and the combined congregations of Riceville and Pendleton will celebrate the quasquicentennial event July 14 at the Con- cession 10 site of the church with a special GENESIS Cooperative joint worship service under the guidance of Rev. Phyllis Dietrich. The event will feature numerous repre- sentatives for the United Church congre-
Col. Darlene Quinn speaks with a young cadet during an inspection of the 632 Phoe- nix Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets. Col. Quinn was the special guest of honour for the squadron’s 23rd Annual Ceremonial Review held at the Jean-Marc Lalonde Arena in Rockland June 9. The Orléans unit has members from both the Ottawa and Prescott-Russell areas.
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