Listening to young people: Mobility for future (EN)

Listening to young people: Mobility for future

Below, selected outcomes of the survey are presented in four steps. First, the sample is described, giving an insight into who the participants in the online survey were (section 3.1). Section 3.2 describes young people’s attitudes to climate change. Section 3.3 discusses how young people are engaging in climate action. The summary in section 3.4 focuses on presenting the insights that emerged as particularly striking during the evaluation phase.

3.1 The participants: The sample of the quantitative LEMOCC study

A total of 1,764 young people took part in the online sur- vey. After database consolidation, the sample stood at 1,527 participants; all questionnaires had to be at least 65 % complete and have been filled in by young people indicating they were between 15 and 30 years of age. The survey could be completed in one of seven lan- guages. 50 % of respondents used the German version, 18.7 % used French and 10.2 % used Turkish. Although the questionnaires should be analysed without regard to respondents’ nationality, any specificities that emerged would be interpreted in the light of potential coun- try-specific differences. In order to balance this inten- tion with the need to respect the respondents’ anonym- ity, a minimum number of completed questionnaires was set (n ≥ 100) for each language. Since English was underrepresented, with just 38 respondents using the

English version, any questionnaires completed in English were included in the overall analysis, but not taken into account during the language-specific analysis. The questionnaire also invited participants to indi- cate their nationality in a comment box. In most cas- es respondents’ nationality corresponded with the language version they had chosen. A small number of respondents who had completed the questionnaire in Finnish, French, German or Turkish indicated a nation- ality other than the obvious. Of these groups, the group of respondents that had chosen the German version was comparatively diverse, with 13 different national- ities indicated. All respondents completing the ques- tionnaire in Chinese or Estonian indicated they were Chinese or Estonian nationals. The diversity within the

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Fig. 1 Language distribution (n = 1527)


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