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The return of Clarence-Rockland’s com- munity hockey tournament to the ice proved a big win for local recreational hockey fans and also youth hockey clubs and the food bank. «We saw lots of enthusiasm even before the tournament began,» said Serge Lavic- toire, one of the co-founders of the event. «The vibe inside the arena was just so intense.» The puck dropped for the first game of this year’s Clarence-Rockland Community Hockey Tournament April 11 at the Clarence- Rockland Arena. The final goal of the last game of the event went into the net April 16. The end result of the six-day event was $25,000 in proceeds from entry fees and PUIFSBDUJWJUJFTTIBSFEPVU.BZCZ UPVS - nament founders Serge and Luc Lavictoire to seven youth winter sports groups and to the Rockland Food bank. The community hockey tournament first got on the ice in 1997 with six teams entered. Except for two seasons during the pandemic when all indoor and outdoor organized sports events were suspended for public health safety, the annual recrea- tion hockey tournament has been part of Clarence-Rockland’s spring sports season more than two decades. «It’s our pride and joy,» said Serge Lavic- toire. «Over the years it’s grown from six UFBNTUPNPSFUIBO*UTBMMBCPVUHFUUJOH

Serge et Luc Lavictoire, cofondateurs du tournoi de hockey annuel de la communauté de Clarence-Rockland, ont célébré le retour de cet événement populaire de sport récréatif en distribuant 25 000 $ provenant des frais d’inscription au tournoi et d’autres activités de financement aux représentants de sept clubs locaux de sports d’hiver pour les jeunes et du Centre d’aide Rockland Help Centre. —photo fournie

to know people in the community and helping out.» This year’s event is described as tourna- NFOUJOUIFIJTUPSZPGUIFFWFOU4FSHF and Luc Lavictoire are already planning for tournament 25 next year which will be «a Big

Bang event» to mark the silver anniversary of the tourna.ment. Benefitting from the fundraising efforts of this year’s tournament are : the Clarence- Rockland Lightning girls hockey club, Cla- rence Creek Castors minor hockey, Rockland

/BUTNJOPSIPDLFZ  UIF3PDLMBOE4LBUJOH Club, the Clarence Creek Artistic Skating Club, the Clarence-Rockland Falcons Ringette Association, the Clarence-Rockland Crush, and the Centre d’aide Rockland Help Centre food bank.

Engagés dans des projets d’ici APPEL DE PROJETS : JUSQU’À 200 000 $ EN ONTARIO

Grâce à ce fonds, la Caisse Desjardins Ontario soutient des projets porteurs qui ont des retombées réelles sur les collectivités ontariennes. Faites une demande pour bénéficier d’une contribution financière : Fonds d’aide au développement du milieu Date limite : 31 mai 2022

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