Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis Pain

Staying Healthy Becoming Active 7 Things To Do For A More Active You:

1. Take care of aches and pains. Don’t let these long-term problems linger. Get professional help at Creative Therapy Resource. 2. Limit your sitting. Get up every 30 minutes and walk around at work and home.

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3. Get out and move. Exercise regularly. At least walk every day.

4. Nutrition and portion control. Keep your intake of food nutritious and at a comfortable level. Chew your food more thoroughly and you won’t feel like you have to eat so much. 5. Drink more water. Water keeps your body systems functioning at an optimum level.

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6. Breathe! Work on your deep breathing to increase oxygen intake and get your lymphatic system moving. 7. Get enough sleep. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is best to get into a routine so you go to bed and wake up on a regular cycle. This helps your endocrine system.

We gladly accept most insurances, providing a great LOW COST SOLUTION to restore your pain-free movement! CALL FOR BENEFIT ANALYSIS

Healthy Recipe: Basic Fruit Smoothie Recipe

5 Ingredients • 1 quart strawberries, hulled • 1 banana, broken into chunks • 2 peaches • 1 cup orange-peach- mango juice • 2 cups ice

Directions In a blender, combine strawberries, banana and peaches. Blend until fruit is pureed. Blend in the juice. Add ice and blend to desired consistency. Pour into glasses and serve.

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