Cover crops booklet

Crimson Clover A great weed suppressant, producing plenty of biomass ( more than that of red clover ) that will grow at lower temperatures to other legumes. It has a very upright growth habit and degrades into the soil quickly after destruction, releasing nutrients for the following crops. It is also very attractive to pollinators. Suggested sowing rate – 15kg/ha. Sow August - September

Buckwheat A very fast growing species that is good at mopping up excess nutrients in the soil, particularly phosphates. Not frost tolerant and will break down quickly once incorporated. Shallow roots are produced but plenty of about ground biomass. Suggested sowing rate – 50kg/ha. Sow May - August


There are no wrong answers when it comes to putting a cover crop in, each situation might vary, which is why a mix is often the best way to go. Each species has its own benefits that can improve the soil. Cover crops can be a post-harvest catch crop, an over winter cover or just around field edges for attracting beneficial insects or wildlife in areas that are not being cropped.


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