How do you intend to include your NEW HABITS, sober pledge, exercise, art, music, creativity, drinking water, eating healthily, etc., into your sustainable sobriety? In the spirit of transparency, I think only a few healthy connections between neurons are gaining traction and building up, but at a glacial pace.
feel like I am still undressing the layers of habitual distorted thoughts that lead me back to ethanol alcohol since 1996. This stripping to the bare feels CRUCIAL to me because I will NEVER have another day one. I have so very far to go with changing my thoughts and moving my muscles. I trust that will come.
Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”
YET, at the end of the day, I give thanks, every single night.
Nightly expression of gratitude seems to be a newly pruned neural connection that holds so much meaning to me. Stopping this ritual would be a huge red "CHECK ENGINE" warning light screaming DANGER ahead, action is needed ASAP. When I look back over my history of relapses, this was one of the first rituals that quietly, without my knowing, slipped away and taking with it CRUCIAL to live life in any way, shape or form that it presents itself. "Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.” – Benjamin Franklin My net "worth" currently shows, if I ledger is up to date, that I am not bankrupt any longer. But I do have quite a bit healthy habit capital to gain. I am trusting the process and investing wisely. I am never having another day one. Nope.
― Gandhi
I used to carry this quote in my briefcase to remind myself that my thoughts and actions build habits and "drop by drop the water pot filled" (Buddha). At 10 plus months into sobriety, I currently am working with very amateur habits. my dog, wakes me up at 6:15am, or if he sleeps in, I have my alarm set for 6:30 am. I put him out, prepare his breakfast, and pour my first of many cups of coffee. If I could hook the coffee pot up to an IV, I would. Red Flag! I read Sue's daily email and take a peek at the pledge lesson. Usually. Habit in the works. During the week, I am getting my son to school. I usually make a point to get to the 8 a.m. Hola Sober meetings. . After we dance out of HS meeting, I told a friend the other day, that it takes all that I have to be a mom of a teenager, deal with his other parent, hold down my job, and deal cable/phone/car/sports/junk mail to name a few.
-R.W. Pledge 100 Tara
It overwhelms the fuck out of me. Less overwhelmed, never underwhelmed. I am content right now. I am finding joy and satisfaction with what I have, where I am, and this snap shot, growth edges.
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