PT Of Melissa. Sports Injuries & Post-Surgical Rehab



A New Addition to the PT Of Melissa Family!

PT Of Melissa Retreat

Periodically we “retreat” as a staff to renew and reinvigorate our operations here at the clinic. Our recent retreat generatedsomenew ideasaboutways wecancontinueto improveandenhance our patients’ experiences.

We are excited to welcome Dr. Pamela Berner’s new baby boy, Lincoln, to the family! He was greeted by Dr. Berner, dadMatt,andsisterNovaonThursday, May2,at12:19pm,weighing7 lbs3oz and measuring 20 in long. Thank you everyone for sharing the joy!

“Beforecoming toPhysicalTherapyOfMelissa, Icouldhardlywalkonmy left leg due to an injury. But after 3 weeks, I’m now glad to say that I’m able to run in practice with my girls softball team. Many thanks to all the staff! You guys are the best.” - Coach Rob

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Exercise Essentials

Enjoy this Special Offer!

Do You Suffer From Back Pain?

Exercise To Build Leg Strength

We can help!

Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a FREE BACK PAIN SCREENING

Runner’s Step Stand in front of a box or step that is below the level of the knee. Step up onto the box and bring the opposite leg up towards your chest. Lower your leg down in a controlled manner. Repeat 6-10 times, alternating legs.

If you have back pain, please give us a call and schedule a free screening so we can get you going!

Call Today! (972) 837-4450

Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Offer expires 6-30-19

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