Russell Township studies illegal suites gŏđŏ
2014 summer ŭ été
cording to MPAC guidelines, can share an entrance with the primary premises as long as the basement suite’s living quarters still exist separate from the main living quarters in the building. Right now Russell Township’s building department takes action on alleged “illegal suites” only when a report comes in about one. Any such suite reported goes onto a list that is forwarded to MPAC which then looks into the situation and determines if it should be classified as an apartment. If MPAC rules that a suspected illegal suite is an apartment then an inspection is or- dered by either the province’s Chief Build-
EMBRUN | Homeowners trying to make a bit of extra revenue by renting out part of the house to a lodger is an acceptable practice. However, Russell Township coun- cil and administration want to make sure that any secondary suites are both legal and meet provincial and local safety stan- dards. Council received a planning department report during its April 22 session on de-
veloping an “illegal suites” policy for the township. The de- partment has approv- al to continue with the process and have a policy ready to take effect next year. Planning staff con- sulted with both of the township’s fire departments, the by- law and finance de-
A basement apartment, according to MPAC guidelines, can share an entrance with the primary premises as long as the basement suite’s living quarters still exist separate from the main living quarters in the building.
ing Official or a local building inspector. Once the suite is confirmed as illegal and an approximate age determined for how long it has existed, the fire de- partment sends an inspector to examine the site for fire safety code concerns. Any problems found will
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Auction Sale Vehicles, Body Shop Straightening Equipment, Mechanical Tools, Antique Furniture, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Articles 6126 Rockdale Rd, Vars, On (at the former Dan’s Towing yard) from Ottawa travel 417 East to exit 88 and then travel North ½ km.Watch for Auction Signs. Saturday, May 24 at 10:00 AM 2- 2002 Ford F450 V8 diesel w/ 20’ closed boxes- sold as is; 2003 Ford F150 short box- sells as is; 2003 Dodge Caravan sells as is; 2001Chev 4X4 w/ plow- sells as is; towing equipment; Blackhawk body shop straightening equipment w/ attachments; Fisher 7 ½’ snow plow; 7’ snowblower attachment; Agri- fab leaf sucker on trailer; 2 boat trailers; 2 utility trailers; some hyd equip; electrical and plumbing supplies; 2 air compressors; truck tool box; manual wheel balancer; set of 6 lockers; large toolbox; drill press; bolt bins w/ bolts; small diesel tanks; bush hog; 2 truck plows; truck caps; assorted mechanical tools, wrenches, chains and tool boxes; work bench; propane stove; dairy cans; small tables; dining room tables; set of dining room chairs; six side chairs; several pieces of good antique furniture; many other assorted items. Terms – Cash, Debit, Visa, Mastercard and American Express Prop: Dan Dion and Sylvie Lamoureux Dion Auctioneers James and Hill Auction Service Ltd Stewart James Carson Hill 613-445-3269 613-821-2946 Refreshments Available. Owners and Auctioneers not responsible for accidents . An illegal suite or apartment is defined as any housing unit, rented or not, which is created without a proper building permit. MPAC has its own guidelines for deciding if a property owner has a secondary rental suite included as part of a house or other building. A legal secondary suite should have a separate entrance and living quar- ters separate from the main living quarters of the building. A basement apartment, ac- partments, public utilities department, and also the Ontario Municipal Property and Assessment Corp. (MPAC) on the definition of and potential problems with an “illegal suite” for the municipality.
require the building owner to get a proper building permit in order to do the repairs. The planning department report also notes that all housing and apartment units in the township should each have their own registered municipal water and sewer allo- cation. For now township staff will continue with the existing procedure for dealing with reports of illegal suites. The planning department will go ahead with the process to develop a new and more detailed policy specific to illegal suites in Russell Township. The policy will be ready for review and ap- proval at a later council session. The goal is to have the policy ready to take effect in 2015. This will give planning staff time to include policy enforcement on illegal suite situations as part of next year’s department budget. The signs of spring next year in Russell Township will include the official opening of the first community tradeshow dedi- cated to local service clubs and other vo- lunteer organizations. Council indicated during its May 5 committee of the whole session that it is ready to get behind a proposal from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for a one-day com- munity tradeshow at the Embrun Arena next April. Coun. Pierre Leroux reviewed the concept. The aim is to provide local service clubs and other volunteer groups with an opportunity to promote them- selves and their programs and projects so they attract new members and also help make both longtime residents and newcomers aware of what services they offer. Council directed administration to prepare a formal resolution for approval during the next regular session, which will give township staff authority to start planning work for the project. (GC) Local service clubs get their own tradeshow
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