Do you find your shoulders aching at the end of the day or when having to reach for items? Your shoulders have to move through an incredible 180 degrees of motion, while still maintaining stability and strength. The shoulder joint acts like a ball in a very shallow socket that is part of the shoulder blade. Some of the most important muscles in the rotator cuff are actually the smallest.
Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
• How Eating the Right Foods Can Help You Feel Happier, Healthier, & More Energetic! • The Top 3 Ways to Avoid Carpal Tunnel • Patient Success Spotlights • Backpack Safety Tips
Do you find your shoulders aching at the end of the day or when having to reach for items? Your shoulders have to move through an incredible 180 degrees of motion, while still maintaining stability and strength. The shoulder joint acts like a ball in a very shallow socket that is part of the shoulder blade. Some of the most important muscles in the rotator cuff are actually the smallest. Therotatorcuff ismadeupof4musclesthataresmall,but vital to keeping the ball stable in the socket. When these muscles are weak or injured, the ball can jam up into the socketoftheshoulderblade,causing inflammationandpain. Try these steps to improve the health of your shoulders and alleviate that nagging ache or sharp pain for good: 1. Sit up tall! The number one reason for repetitive injury and pain in the shoulders is poor posture. When the ball moves forward in the socket, the rotator cuff becomes vulnerable to injury! There is less space for the muscles which can then get “pinched”. The muscles are also overstretched, making themweaker. 2. Strengthen your rotator cuff muscles. By keeping your rotator cuff muscles strong, you help guide your
shoulder joints, lessening the chance for injury and inflammation to occur. A simple exercise to perform is while sitting or standing, keep elbows at your side bent to 90 degrees and thumbs up. Push your hands out like opening a newspaper. Repeat 10 times. 3. Improve your scapula stability. The shoulder blade makes up an important part of your shoulder complex. It has many different muscles attached to it, pulling at just the right time for proper shoulder movement. Improve theshoulderblademusclesbyfrequentlyfiring them. In sitting or standing, drop your shoulders slowly downandback.Thiswakesupthose importantmuscles which help guide the shoulder blade when using your arm. Perform10-15 repetitions, holding thecontraction for 5 seconds frequently throughout the day. Byworkingon these3simpleactions,youcandramatically improve the performance and feel of your shoulders. If your shoulders feel weak, achy, or painful give us a call today. We will definitely get your shoulders feeling limber, stronger and allow you to get back to doing life’s everyday activities pain free.
Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
Are you looking to start a garden? It’s not too late! Gardening is a great way to getoutof thehouse,enjoy the freshair,andgetsomeexercise–not tomention a great way to enjoy some of those fresh fruits and veggies!
Nutritionstronglyaffectsyourphysical performance, whether you’re a dedicatedathlete,weekendwarrior,or someonewho justsimplywantstofeel more energetic throughout the day.
When gardening, it is important to keep a couple safety tips in mind:
1. Choose the right gardening tools to limit the stress on your body. • The tool should be sturdy but not heavy. • Choose handles that provide a comfortable grip size. The grip should feel soft and should easily fit into your hand. • Choose a tool that is efficient at the task it is meant to perform – one that utilizes leverage and is sharp enough to cut. 2. Protect your back before, during, and after gardening. • Squat or use one knee to support yourself while gardening. • Keep your spine as straight as possible. • Use your hips and knees to lift, rather than your back. • Alternate taskssuchasdigging, lifting,andwalking.This relievesstrain on your spine. No garden? No problem! Ifyoudon’thaveagarden,don’tworry. In fact,ourphysical therapistLindadidn’t plantagardenthisyeareither.Therearestillmanywaysto incorporatefreshfruits andvegetables intoyourdiet– theCheyenneFarmersMarketbeingagreatone. The Cheyenne Farmers Market runs from the first week in August to the first week in October, every Saturday from 7 a.m. – noon. It is located in the Depot Plaza at Lincolnway and Capitol Avenue. There, you’ll find up to 40 vendors from Wyoming and Colorado, offering fresh fruits, vegetables, artisan breads, local honey, specialty foods, native trees, flowers, and organic produce. As an added bonus, all the proceeds from the market benefit Community Action of Laramie County! Areyou lookingformoreways to improveyourhealth?ContactAvenuesPhysical Therapy today tospeakwithoneofourdedicatedandcaringphysical therapists!
Your body does a lot throughout the courseonanaverageday,andthefood you supply it with helps it to function properly, whether you’re hitting the gym or performing your daily tasks. Themoredemandingyouareonyour body, themoreattentionyou’llhave to take on what you are fueling it with. Do you wish to feel happier, healthier, and more energetic? The right foods can help! Adding fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet Fresh fruits and vegetables are perfect for giving you that energy boost you need. As an added bonus, they can also help decrease inflammation if you are recovering from pain or a recent injury! Raw broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage are the best options forananti-inflammatorydiet,butany fruitorvegetablewillsuffice for improving yourphysicalperformanceand increasingyourenergy.Togain themostbenefits from your fruit and vegetable intake, you’ll want to eat up to nine servings per day. Enjoy them raw, cooked, or mixed into your favorite dish! Who has a green thumb at Avenues PT? At Avenues Physical Therapy, we are all about those fruits and veggies! Kelsey had a good crop of Ft. Laramie strawberries this year, due to all the moisture we received. In addition, he has been growing zucchini, tomatoes, onions,cucumbers,andbeets!Hiskidsabsolutely love thebeets.Erichasbeen growingsquashandbeans,whichhavebeendoingokay.However,heandKelsey both likehomegrown tomatoes thebest.Tawnahasbeengrowingbeets,onions, carrots, and squash. According to her, “The beets are unbeatable!”
Rooted in Cheyenne Fall Planting Day is Saturday, Sept 21st! Visit for more information.
Tawna & Kensey at Rooted in Cheyenne Spring Planting Day
Call 307-634-0298 To Schedule Today!
While this can be a sign of nerve compression, the good news is that this can be prevented and even reversed quite quickly. Seeing a physical therapist right away is essential, but here are some tips you can do in the meantime: 1. Stretch your wrists and hands. Stand up and grab the tips of your fingers with the other hand. With your arm outstretched, gently stretch your fingers backuntilyou feelagentlepulling inyourhandandwrist.Hold this for15-30 secondsand repeatonbothsides for3 times.Do this frequently throughout the day. 2. Improve your posture at work. If you slouch at the keyboard, this puts the neck inabadpositionandcanputmorepressureonyourwrists,decreasing blood flow to your hands. Sit tall and have your keyboard slightly lower than the level of your elbow. 3. Stretch your chest and shoulders. Improving your shoulder and chest mobility increases the circulation in your hands.The better your circulation, the less inflammation can build up in the hand and wrist. CTS is a condition that you can prevent with these tips. However, if you start to notice the tingling, numbness or weakness in your hand, see a physical therapist right away. It is much better to catch CTS early, than after nerve damage has occurred. If you feel that you might be experiencing CTS or know someone with these symptoms, call us today to speak with one of our specialists. Call 307.634.0298 or visit our website at to schedule your consultation today!
Catch Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) early and treat it before nerve damage occurs. CTS is a very common occurence, especially in those that are at a computer all day. The carpal tunnel is in your wrist and made up of bones of the hand and ligaments that form the ceiling of the tunnel. With typing, pressure is frequently put on the wrists and base of the palm. In addition, the frequent use of the tendons that glide through this area, during typing can cause the tendons to become irritated and swollen decreasing the space in the tunnel. Yourmediannerve,whichsuppliessensationandmusclecontrol toyour thumb and first two fingers can become compressed. This is why with CTS, many peoplefirstexperience tinglingornumbness in the thumbandfirst twofingers.
$ 10 off 1-hr Deep Tissue Massage Regular Price $65/hour. Massages have been proven to help with stress and anxiety, fibromyalgia, headaches, and much more! Coupon must be presented at the appointment. No duplicates. Enjoy a therapeutic massage by our very own, Donna Channel, LMT, CMT.
SCHEDULE YOUR MASSAGE BY CALLING 307-634-0298 TODAY! This offer won’t last long! Limited to the first 10 callers. Expires 9-15-19
Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Tawna Bovero, PTA
Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT
Aching backs and shoulders? Tingling arms? Weakened muscles? Stooped posture? Does your child have these symptoms after wearing a heavy school backpack? Carrying too much weight in a pack or wearing it the wrong way can lead to pain and strain. Parents can take steps to help children load and wear backpacks the correct way to avoid health problems. Loading the backpack: • Achild’sbackpackshouldweighnomore thanabout10%ofhisorher body weight. This means a student weighing 100 pounds shouldn’t wear a loaded school backpack heavier than about 10 pounds. • Loadheaviest itemsclosest to thechild’sback (thebackof thepack). • Arrange books so they won’t slide around in the backpack. • Check what your child carries to school and brings home. Make sure the items are necessary for the day’s activities. • If the backpack is too heavy or tightly packed, your child can hand carry a book or other item outside the pack. • If the backpack is too heavy on a regular basis, consider using a book bag on wheels if your child’s school allows it. Wearing the backpack: • Distribute weight evenly by using both straps. Wearing a pack slung over one shoulder can cause a child to lean to one side, curving the spine and causing pain or discomfort. • Selectapackwithwell-paddedshoulderstraps.Shouldersandnecks havemanybloodvesselsandnerves thatcancausepainand tingling in the neck, arms, and hands when too much pressure is applied. • Adjust the shoulder straps so that the pack fits snugly on the child’s back. A pack that hangs loosely from the back can pull the child backwards and strain muscles. • Wear the waist belt if the backpack has one. This helps distribute the pack’s weight more evenly. • Thebottomof thepackshould rest in thecurveof the lowerback. It should never rest more than four inches below the child’s waistline. • School backpacks come in different sizes for different ages. Choose the right size pack for your child as well as one with enough room for necessary school items. • Only put items in your backpack that you need for the day. NO REFERRAL? NO PROBLEM! Did you know we can see you for PT with or without a doctor or other healthcareprovidersreferral?Oneofourphysicaltherapistswillevaluate you, and customize a treatment plan to reduce your pain and get you moving better. Refer yourself or someone you care about!
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“After waiting all winter for summer to come, this summer was going to be different. My rotator cuff in my shoulder was weak, and it hurt to do my favorite hobby: gardening. Gardening is my passion, and something I thought I had lost forever. I am right-handed, and my daily activities were limited due to my pain. I couldn’t carry groceries in the house, and I had to limit my activity in my right arm due to the pain. After 3 short weeks of therapy, I am now able to garden like Iused to. Ihave reachedallmygoals fromparticipating inphysical therapy, including gardening, digging, planting, raking, grocery shopping, lifting bags of groceries, and I can now lift my arm over my head without level 7-8 pain.Thank you for helping me get back to my life!” - Pam R. “I am now able to garden like I used to!” “I have had two shoulder replacements within the last 6 years. Both times Avenues Physical Therapy has been my choice for therapy. They make sure that you are getting exactly what you need, and go the extra length and take time to ensure progress. They make changes in the pace of your therapy treatment to make the most of your healing time. The therapists are very good at what they do, and thank goodness they all have a good sense of humor, because that makes the therapy somewhat easier. I highly recommend them.ThankyouKelsey,andallstaffatAvenuesPhysicalTherapy.” - Ed T. “They are very good at what they do!” Qr/HYHO+DUG
Win! Find the misspelled word in this newsletter for your chance to win an Avenues PT Tie Dye T-shirt or a Gift Card to Mary’s Mountain Cookies! Call: 307-634-0298 *Contest for past and present patients ONLY Qr/HYHO+DUG Call IN &
Congrats to last month’s winners:
Improve your health naturally
John K. & Beth Pratt
Save time Save money
Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Tawna Bovero, PTA
Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT
BIOFREEZE (Rollon & Squeeze Tube) $10.50
FOAM ROLLER 18” $15 38” $25
CERVICAL PILLOW Pillow Only $22 With Cover $30
HEEL LIFTS (Adjustable) $10.50 EACH
EXERCISE BALL (We fit you with the right size) 55 CM $22.50 65 CM $27.75 75 CM $33.00
611 West 18th Street Cheyenne, WY 82001 FREE 30 MIN SHOULDER PAIN SCREENING Call 307-634-0298 today to schedule your free exam. This offer is limited to the first 15 callers. If you or someone you know needs help, don’t delay! This offer expires 09-30-2019. Looking for pain relief without the medication, injections, or surgery?
“Each staff member gives total attention to their patients...” “Each staff member at Avenues Physical Therapy is highly competent, and each gives total attention to their patients. I am very happy to give my high vote of confidence to their physical therapy services.” - Jean S.
SHOULDER DIAGONAL PAT TER N Stand with good posture with your arm across your body, your hand ro- tated in, thumb pointed down. Bring your arm up and across your body diagonally, rotating your hand outward as if you are picking an apple and putting it in the opposite side’s pocket. Finish with your hand above your head and out to the side. Repeat 6-10 times for both shoulders.
WAND SHOULDER FLE XION Lying on your back and holding a wand, palms face down on both sides, gently raise the wand towards overhead in a gentle motion. Hold for 3 seconds and slowly lower wand to starting position. Repeat 5 times. Choco-Strawberry Greek Yogurt Bark Exercisescopyrightof
INGREDIENTS • 3 cups whole-milk plain Greek yogurt • ¼ cup pure maple syrup or honey
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1½ cups sliced strawberries • ¼ cup mini chocolate chips
DIRECTIONS Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Stir yogurt, maple syrup (or honey) and vanilla in a medium bowl. Spread on the prepared baking sheet into a 10-by-15-inch rectangle. Scatter the strawberries on top and sprinkle with chocolate chips. Freeze until very firm, at least 3 hours. To serve, cut or break into 32 pieces. To make ahead: Freeze airtight between sheets of parchment for up to 1 month; let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes before serving. Equipment: Parchment paper
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