HR Resolutions November 2018


HR Resolutions 5441 Jonestown Rd. Harrisburg, PA 17112 717-652-5187 M–F 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the Desk of Karen PAGE 1 The Importance of Gratitude at Work PAGE 1 True Crime Makes for Gripping TV PAGE 2 A Historic Veterans Day PAGE 3 Take a Break PAGE 3 Spicy, Creamy Sweet Potatoes PAGE 3 Are You Scheduling Active Recovery Days? PAGE 4

MORE ISN’T ALWAYS MORE Use Active Recovery Days to Boost Your Results Taking a day off from your workout routine might feel like slacking, but scheduling recovery days into your regimen will actually make the time you spend in the gym more effective. Active recovery days aren’t really days off; you just do less physical work and focus more on the other tasks necessary for reaching your goals.

With the holiday craziness kicking into full swing, now is the perfect opportunity to make sure you’re scheduling those active recovery days. You’ll have more time to focus on everything else you love and give your body what it needs to work off those extra Thanksgiving treats! WHY SHOULD I BOTHER WITH ACTIVE RECOVERY? Heavy exercise“damages”your muscles, and they use this downtime to repair that damage, which causes the cells to enlarge and ultimately results in muscle growth and increased strength. This hypertrophy process can’t happen—at least, not very successfully—unless your muscles have a chance to rest and recover.

Reducing your workout intensity also allows you to focus on proper form, whether that’s for lifting, running, CrossFit, or other athletic pursuits. Perfecting your form will help you avoid injury, target the correct muscle groups, and work more efficiently. SO …WHAT SHOULD I DO ALL DAY? You won’t be going full-bore at the gym, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep your body moving. If you’re a CrossFitter, take a yoga class to maintain flexibility. Weightlifters can swap out the heavy weights for bodyweight moves and light cardio. If you’re a runner, reduce your distance and speed by jogging a shorter route at a lower target heart rate. Whatever your typical activity, shoot for about 50 percent effort or less on these days.

Active recovery days are also the perfect opportunity to prep food! Spend the afternoon cooking chicken breasts, boiling rice, soaking oats, and chopping veggies, then divide them into enough single-serving containers to last the rest of the week. Most importantly, take advantage of this time to catch up with the important people in your life and the hobbies you love. You can even kill two birds with one stone by playing basketball with friends or going for a walk with the kids. When done properly, active recovery days can recharge your body, your mind, and your life.

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