
beaver has enjoyed icon status because it is

In the grand scheme of things, this was,

associated with the fur trade which led to the

in retrospect, not a calamity.

exploration of Canada’s wilderness. The

During the aftermath of a recent

beaver appears in the coats of arms of many

windstorm, a reader had called to report

engineering schools, but do not blame the

that a section of his fence had been toppled

poor creature for that notoriety.

over by a gust. This was definitely not a

“Acountry’s symbols are not constant and

great start to these homeowners’ day. It

can change over time as long as they reflect

was a bit of a mess. Not a huge amount of

the ethos of the people and the spirit of the

damage had been caused, but this would

nation,” Eaton said in the Senate. “The polar

Real and fake issues

require some time, elbow grease and a trip

bear, with its strength, courage,

to a hardware store.

resourcefulness and dignity is perfect for the

In assessing the scene, somebody

month. Thus, the Canada Safety Council

behaviour. As bullies grow up, they may


wondered, “Is there some sort of public

challenges all Canadians to join in the fight

transfer their abuseofpower toother forms

Sure we must remain current and change

office you can call when these things

to put an end to bullying. The suicide of a

of harassment, violence, or abuse, and they



gay high school student in Ottawa has

may become bullies in the workplace or

Probablynot.Of course, if thedamage is

focused public attention again on the tragic

their home. Boys who were bullies in

considerable, a victimmaywant to contact


impact of intimidation.

elementary school are more likely to have

the insurance company, but that would

Schools have programs to deal with the

criminal convictions by the time they are in

likely result in a premium increase.

issue. However, as the safety council points

their 20s. That is why it is essential to

The best course of action would be to

out, bullying doesn’t just take place in the

correct and change behaviour at a young


shrug the shoulders, blameMotherNature

school yard; it can happen at home, in the

age. Bullies must be held accountable for

and assume that somebody else is worst

workplace, and even online.

their actions.


“Bullying is a social issue that affects the

Schoolyard bullying is often compared


These events, which at one time were

whole community, not just thebullyand the



victim. Bullying poisons the social

a grab for control and power through the

as long as nobody gets hurt.

environment for everyone, has long-term

humiliation of the target. School bullies, if

For instance, when the latest dust-up

consequences for the bully and the victim,

reinforced by cheering classmates, fearful

Area residents will once again this year

ripped through the region, for days people

and is a factor in suicides and violent

teachers, or ignoring administrators, grow

haveampleopportunity toremember those

were still trying to track down garbage

incidents. Bullies are equally likely to be

up tobedominatingadults.When they join

who have made the ultimate sacrifice in


boys or girls, men or women. Boys aremore


order to protect our freedom.

tents and headgear that had been rattled

likely to be physically aggressive, such as

Don’t encourage bully behaviour by


and shaken by the high winds.

hitting and kicking, whereas girls are more

becoming a bystander.

Legion organizes a ceremony in Alfred

It would be handy to have in place a

likely to be verbally aggressive when they

For more information on various forms

Saturday, November 5 at 2 p.m.


bully, for example, posting harmful

of bullying, visit theCanadaSafetyCouncil

Ceremonies will also take place at the


comments on a Facebook page. Extortion,

website at

monument in L’Orignal, Sunday,

Such as when some idiot passes you on

intimidation and destruction of property


November 6 at 11 a.m., and in Vankleek

a gravel road, throwing up stones that

are all part of the behavior pattern.”

All right, on a lighter note, we have so

Hill, Sunday, November 6 at 2 p.m. at the

bounce off your windshield, and then, a


many truly Canadian symbols, such as the

cenotaph at V.C.I.

few hundred feet further down the road,


hockey stick and a Tim Horton’s coffee

In Hawkesbury, Friday, November 11,

appears in front of you again, when the

and set a good example for their children.

cup, and the beaver.

after a church service at 10 a.m. at St-

speeding driver has to halt at a Stop sign.

Often parents’ views and actions are picked

But now a Conservative senator is

AlphonseChurch, therewill beaceremony

What are you going to do? Exactly.

up and mimicked. By representing

trashing the critter, calling it a “dentally

with the laying of wreaths at 11 a.m. at the

Shrug, grin and bear it.

stereotypical or harmful views and actions


cenotaph on Cartier Boulevard in

But there are some “real issues” out

in the home, it can lead to children having

Nicole Eaton wants to replace the cuddly

Hawkesbury. Thepublic iswelcome to join

there that cannot simply be ignored.

those views, or performing those actions,

and energetic beast as Canada’s national

the legionnaires at the Legion Hall in

For example, November is National

outside of the home. There are also long-


Hawkesbury where a light lunch will be

Crime Prevention and Community Safety

term costs to society from bullying

As you know, a symbol of hard work, the

served after the ceremony.

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