the University of North Texas and are hosted by the Brothers of Zeta Upsilon Chapter. Page 45 - Kappa Leaguers and Brother Ken Metoyer visit Kansas State University. Page 46 and below - RPA brothers and Kappa Leaguers at Langston University. Previous page - The annual Kappa Basketball
Kamp gets underway.
Quinn Smith, 2020 graduating Kappa Leaguer “Kappa League gave to me the abil- ity to hold myself strong and high as a young black man at school. I know how to express myself in a world where I am not going to see much diversity in my field of study. “
Brother Klyne Smith, Kappa League parent
“Kappa League has been instrumen- tal in the development and growth of Quinn. Quinn started in fifth grade and has developed a strong sense of commu- nity service.” Table of Contents photo - Kappa Leaguers along with Brothers Ken Metoyer and Kevin Burnett visit the Brown vs Board of Education National Historical Site in Topeka, KS. Page 44 - Kappa Leaguers and RPA Brothers visit
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